Pajamas: 1/1 [Fluff]

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Categories: domestic fluff

There was a lot she admired about her husband. His tenacity. His ability to connect with people. His use of his platform to push onward to lend his support for beneficial changes in the country.

The only thing she did not admire, however, was the way he sat next to her clicking a pen.

"Joe..." she peered up at him over her glasses.

"Sorry." He mumbled and sat the pen down.

Since departing the White House, he'd remained busy with numerous projects while she proceeded to teach. They acknowledged that they were both people that thrived in climates where they had assignments, tasks, and deadlines.

Yet, unfortunately, they were confined to the house together for 10 days after a campaign staffer exposed them to COVID. It sounded heavenly at first, and it was. But now, by day 8, Joe was plain driving her crazy. It didn't help that it was winter and he couldn't continue to plant trees or do any landscaping. He recently recovered from his foot injury and going outside for a walk was far too hazardous for his weak foot. So there he was, sitting on the sofa next to her, commanding her attention and clicking her damned pen as she attempted to grade papers.

He'd taken up a few random hobbies during their isolation and he'd taken a liking to make unconventional online purchases. It wasn't uncommon for one of the grandchildren to send her a photo of some odd trinket with a caption consulting on what it was deemed to mean because they were too young to comprehend the joke. But his online purchases were also thoughtful and proof that he truly listened to everyone around him.

One day she'd mentioned the need to clean her jewelry in passing and the next day an otherworldly contraption arrived on their doorstep to do just that.

The time he spent scouring the internet for his next purchase meant that she was able to get some work done so she didn't mind. Besides, it amused her.

"I'm bored." He whined and she snickered.

"You are like having a child again."

He shrugged. "There's nothing to do. I've read everything, I've watched everything, now I see why he," referencing 45, "is on Twitter so often. When you don't do anything, you have a lot of time on your hands to waste."

Jill shook her head.

"If you can sit there quietly and let me finish grading these papers, I'll make us a dessert and you can... stir something." She knew better than to assign Joe too many culinary tasks. The last time she had asked him to do anything more complicated than stir, the kitchen was covered in batter.

Joe laughed in response to her "teacher" voice. It was the false enthusiastic voice she used when she wanted to make mundane and boring tasks sound exciting. The tone she used to utilize to manipulate Ashley to clean her room as a kid.

"Really? Can I lick the spoon too?" He questioned in jest, imitating her tone.

She tapped away on her laptop. "If you're a good boy."

He patted her shins and shook his head. "I can take a hint. I've bothered you enough. I'll go find Major and bother him now."

It wasn't long before she heard him shaking a bag of treats and the sound of nails galloping across the floor. He managed to convince the dog to go into the den with him to watch some documentary on The Chieftans that she was grateful to be spared from.

An hour later, he came down the stairs in a navy blue pajama set, trimmed with white. A set that she'd never seen before. He looked mischievous and he was holding something behind his back.

"What on earth do you have?" She inquired, taking off her glasses. He tossed the fabric in her direction.

"I bought us matching pajamas, you know, for winter. They have J's on them." He pointed at his pocket.

She held the shirt up, smiled, and shook her head. He was an absolute child and she adored him for it. She put it on over her t-shirt and closed her laptop.

"Come on, I had my sister drop off ice cream while you were upstairs." She told him, leading him into the kitchen.

She pushed a bag out of his sight.

"... And some other things for later."

"Any clues about those other things?" He inquired, pulling her to his body and leaning down to capture her lips softly.

She blushed. "They're edible."

"You little minx." He said with a crooked smile. "Remind me to send your sister a bouquet of flowers."

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