Great Expectations: 1/1 [Fluff]

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Jill's fatigued body collapsed onto the plush pillows, and Joe soon curled up beside her, gently nestling against her neck and grazing his lips along her collarbone, slowly ascending until their mouths finally met. The rhythmic sound of his gentle breaths invaded her ears, serving as an urgent reminder that sleep was beckoning for him and time was slipping away, and the chance to shower was closing in on her. As drowsiness wrapped around her, the temptation to surrender to the enticing lure of slumber grew stronger.

The warm weight of Joe pressed against her and the delicate touch as his fingers glided through her hair and danced tenderly along her scalp wasn't helping her case.

In his embrace, she felt protected and cherished, a feeling that she couldn't help but treasure and poking a pin in their perfect post-coitus bubble almost felt sacrilegious. The intimacy they'd discovered had easily become Jill's favorite part about their relationship.

Their chemistry had always been electric from the moment they met, which made the mind-blowing sex no surprise. But what overwhelmed Jill to the point of tears was the sacredness of their lovemaking. Prior to Joe, sex was something she enjoyed but she never quite understood why some women put so much value on it. The way Joe held her close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear until they both fell asleep while entangled in each other's arms made her feel an indescribable vulnerability that consumed her.

Weekday sleepovers at Joe's place were not something they typically indulged in. It was far too risky with two curious and rambunctious boys only down the hall. Normally, on weekends, when the grandparents kindly offered to take the boys for the evening, Joe would spend the night at Jill's apartment and escape in the early morning hours to be back in time for breakfast. But, tonight was an exception to their usual routine. With both kids begging to stay overnight at their grandparents', and promising to be ready for school the next day, Joe had invited Jill over for a peaceful movie night together.

Jill had learned the hard way to pack a few outfits for rotation at Joe's place after Frank had unexpectedly barged in and pointed out that she was wearing the same item as the previous night. Now, as she and Joe lay entangled in each other's arms, sweat dripping down her neck, Jill knew that she needed to shower before they both drifted off. Besides, she didn't want to miss out on enjoying an unplanned cup of coffee with Joe in the morning before seeing him off to the train station.

"Joe," Jill prodded, nudging his arm.

"Mhmmmm," he hummed into her neck.

"You have to get up, babe. I have to shower," Jill said, gently pushing at his shoulders again, but it was almost pointless since her efforts didn't seem to budge him.

"Noooo," he whined. "Shower in the morning. I'll join you," Joe offered lazily.

"Then, we'll both be extremely late," Jill countered firmly, knowing full well that a shower with Joe meant that they would both be tumbling back into bed, and then to the shower once more.

"Fine," Joe said with an exaggerated pout on his face as he reluctantly rolled away from her. "But I'm not happy about this."

"I won't be too long," she said with a laugh as she moved to the edge of the bed.

His arm encircled her, drawing her back for one more leisurely kiss, imbued with a languid slowness. She finally escaped him with a playful chastising and made her way to Joe's adjacent bathroom, pausing to steal one of his cotton t-shirts from his dresser.

The only downside to visiting Joe was that she disliked carrying around her numerous toiletries back and forth so typically she would make do with a bar of soap and a washcloth. But, she did miss her thorough nighttime routine of cleansers and lotions.

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