1 - Water (F)

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(F) = Freddy's POV

There was yelling. Tears coming out of my eyes. I can't remember why, the memory is all a blur.

Then out of nowhere I was shoved by a blurry figure, my body falling into the murky water with a splash.

My body froze. I sank deeper and deeper. Why did they even make the water so deep here? Well that's not the point, the point is that I was drowning.

My vision started to black out. Bubbles filled the water and obscured my vision further. The last thing I saw before passing out was a figure swimming towards me.

When I woke up, there were only a couple things that were different. One was that somebody was missing. I had no clue who it was, but it was somebody. There was definitely someone else before.

And secondly, the alligator-Monty-was acting much more harsh and distant towards everybody. It was unlike him, as if his mind wasn't his own.

I found myself in the protective cylinder in parts and service. I felt new, fresh, i felt different. Some of my memory had to have been deleted or lost somehow, since i couldnt remember many of the events from before.

Then, an image. Water. Darkness. The memory came flooding back. I recalled the feeling of my lungs failing as the water filled my mouth and nose. I could still taste the gross aftertaste of the water.

I thought for a moment. 'The only place in the pizzaplex with water like that is in Monty Golf..' I then came to the conclusion to go and ask the reptile what happened.

After a bit of a walk, i arrived in Rockstar row, knocking on the door to his green room, immediately hearing the sounds of coughing and something falling with a shattering sound. "Who is it?" A voice said, Monty's voice.

"Freddy." I responded flatly, rubbing my forearm awkwardly as the door stayed closed.

"Go away." Monty snapped, a loud sigh escaping my mouth unwillingly.

"Do you know if anything happened in your golf area?"

"Y'know what, ah'm leaving. Fuck you Freddy." I slouched my back, my brows furrowing.

"You're acting like a child. Answer my question." My lips curled into a frown.

"I aint got any answers for ya, bear."

I heard the metal maintenance door inside of Monty's green room slam shut. Deciding to leave him be, I made my way down the hall to Chica's room. I knocked on the door, suddenly feeling grumpy.

There was laughing coming from behind the door, coming to a stop, the door sliding open a second after. I was met with the beaming face of Chica.

"Do ya need something, Fred?" I noticed Roxanne sitting on the bright pink couch inside the room.

"Well i just woke up in parts and service and well i was just a little confused.. do you know if anything had happened earlier?"

"Could you elaborate on that?"

"Well, I think it had something to do with Monty.. or at least the Golf course swamp." I scratched the back of my neck. Chica hummed, her hand coming to her chin as her brows drew together. "Another thing to add, Monty was acting... Stranger and more harsh when i tried to ask him about it."

"Sorry, i cant think of anything that could have possibly happened." I nodded, making eye contact with Roxy.

"Well, you two have fun. Im going to go try and sort my thoughts out, i guess." Chica smiled sweetly and waved. I returned the gesture, turning and walking to my own room.

I sat down on my couch, resting my elbows on my knees, propping up my head with my hands. 'Something is definitely up with Monty.' I sighed, realising how obvious that thought was. 'Whatever happened, hes the one who knows. I just gotta try to get it out of him.'

I leaned back and sighed. "How am i supposed to do that?" I mumbled, coming out of my thoughts. "He probably wont speak a word to me again, from the looks of it."

After a little bit of thinking and occasionally letting out a loud groan of distress and anger, i came to decide to just simply act normal and just try to befriend him. And I wouldnt just befriend him because i want to know whats going on, but also because he was a member of the band and meant a lot to me.

'Good idea.' I reassured myself. 'Just make sure not to go too soft and vulnerable, you can't let that happen.'


Heyhey so this is a new fanfic I started writing, I hope y'all like it because I've got some big plans for the storyline in it!
Yes it is going to be very angsty and violent in later chapters but there will be fluff somewhere in here. (Lmao as well as smut 😏)

Anyways I'm gonna go and just watch and see how this first chapter does, maybe work a little more on chapter 2

Emotional Rollercoaster | A Freddy x Monty FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now