A Bench? Are You Serious?

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Quote of the chapter :

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"There are no coincidences in life. Our paths cross with those predetermined to help guide us to our destiny."

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Third Person POV :

"Hey thanks again for helping."

"No problem! That's what friends are for!" Hokori punched Ichi's arm jokingly.

The two had just spent the morning in each other's company. They had managed to pack up everything into Ichi's suitcase. It contained the gifts from years of accompanying the other.

Ichi held up the luggage, stumbling with the weight. He looked back at his and Hokori's shared room, only occupied by a large wooden desk and a ruffed up bunkbed set, most likely from the many years of use from the predecessors of parasites before them.

"Aww, this is just like when a child leaves the mother's nest. In the books. Come here and give me a final goodbye hug!" Hokori's eyes were full of tears. He reached out into the air for Ichi.

"We have another three to four hours together still, Hokori. I'm not leaving just yet."

"Oh! Really?" His mood changed quickly. "Then I shall stick to your side until we have to separate." He gripped Ichi's hand, attempting to latch onto the other. Hokori's eyes showcased his determination to not leave his childhood friend. It was very similar to a child trying to hide, not wanting to go home from having too much fun at their friend's house.

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"Keep an eye on Zero Four to not let him run off." Doctor Franxx exited the private plane he was just stuck in.

"I'll try my best. I doubt Zero Four will listen to me however." The current parasite followed closely behind the doctor.

"It's Code 004 for you! Only my friends can call me Zero Four."

"So I am able to call you Zero Four but not her, your current partner?"

"Doctor, she isn't anything like my darling. Besides, she'll be gone before you can count to three."

"Hey! I exist!"

"Do you think they have a sea? Or an ocean? Anything salty will do. I haven't been in any of those for so long..."

"There's a pond."

"Eh isn't much but I'll take what I can."

"Why do you have to be so high maintenance... You should try to be more like your partners. They haven't cost me millions of dollars yet- Zero Four!?!?"

The Code waved from a distance, having gotten away from the doctor as he was ranting.

"It appears Zero Four will be late to the ceremony."

"I want people to go find him!"

Doctor Franxx's voice echoed through the corridors. Zero Four waved a silent goodbye as the voice's faded echoes reached him.

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First Person POV -
Ichi's POV :

It's been awhile since I've been here. Alone I mean. Doing nothing is refreshing, said by no one. I have been out here walking around while I wait for the time to go back to the Garden.

A bird sits on one of the trees' branches above me. Happy as can be. Wait no, its falling. I jumped forward to catch it. Alas, I was not quick enough. Is it dead? No, oh. It's hopping around on one leg on its side. Do I leave it here? Bring it with me like a to go pet for going back to the Garden? Actually, I'm going to just help it up... with this stick. That should work right? I hope it doesn't attack me!

The bird flies away, wings are free as well a bird. This reminds me of something Hokori told me. What was it again? It was about a jian. I think it was how jians could fly or something? Hokori and I were too focused on Suimin arguing with Hokori for either of us to pay attention to the argument that left his throat. They always fight. I don't even know why they were assigned as partners besides their bad luck.

I have once again found my favorite spot. One which overviews half of the crescent shaped lake. I want to see the whole lake from this bench, but the people who made the plantation clearly were not thinking when they put the bench on the inside of the crescent shaped lake. I sit still for what seems like hours. Daydreaming is all I can do. I'm too bored to think of what else I can do.

The bushes behind me make a noise. I don't think it's a bunny from the loud sounds. Almost sounds as if Hokori and Sukmin's fights were made into a force.

"Umm hello?"

I shouldn't have said that. What if I provoked whatever that is!

"Who are you?" A strange person clocked in a high ranking jacket and cap questions.

"I am Code 017, uh- sir"

"Ah welp, carry on. Didn't mean to disturb you, just thought no one was here."

"What about you? Who are you? I know for a matter of fact I haven't seen anyone who looks like you around here."

"Geez get off my back. I'm here for the graduation ceremony. I came to take a swim real quick before the thing."

"The ceremony starts in ten minutes though?"

"Yeah, and? I'll be there eventually."

"Are those real or apart of the headband?" I pointed at his purple horns that were attached to a white headband.

"Don't you have to be at the thing soon? You are one of the young codes here. Right?"

"Your have not answer my question."

"Neither have you."

"I will not answer till you answer my question."

"Didn't your caretaker say it's rude to stare?"

"I was asking a simple question."

"There he is! Over here!" A few people shouted.

The group gathered around him and I. All holding their stances, ready to strike at any moment. One however had his hand over a chocolate bar, making me laugh and draw the attention to myself.

"What's your code, Parasite trainee?" A short girl asked. She looked smaller and younger than me. Wow.

"I am Code 017 of Plantation 17."

"Go back to your squad, you're supposed to be graduating, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." I hurried out of there as if my pants were on fire. I wonder what that was about with that person. Hmm, must be a secret or confidential thing.

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1025 Words

100% liked writing this chapter and I am pumped for writing the next one. I remade the cover because I realized it looked too much like another cover so now I made it all original, from scratch, with a public domain picture. At least the website I got it from said it was public domain. Anyways vote if you liked this, comment, complain, or eat your favorite food if you want. Bye for now.

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