Joining HYDRA

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"So let me get this straight, my parents used to work with you octopus sushi obsessed weirdoes and you want me to work for you?" you asked them skeptically with confusion laced in your voice. One of them smirked at you and replied "Yeah, we'll need you to cooperate with us else things aren't going to end well for you'' You raised your brow and replied "Yeah, what are you going to do then?" One of them pressed a button and you immediately got shocked from inside the cell which made you yell and hiss in pain 

"That was just a demonstration. Now get up, we'll be meeting someone'' as they opened your cell's doors and dragged you as you squirmed in their grasp and scowled at them and replied "Get off, I can walk on my own...'' but they didn't bother listening to you as they trooped you to a room with some men in the room as they forced you onto a chair and tied you up. "What the hell is this, let me go!" you screeched on top of your lungs. You tried to use your powers but you couldn't do so and one of them spoke "We've sedated you, you won't be able to use your powers anytime soon. Now shut it else I'll cut your tongue'' and you instantly fell silent 

"Now now, why be so hard on her after all, she's going to be one of us soon'' the man in front of you spoke calmly as you stared at him and spoke "Who are you?" and he replied "The name is Johann Schmidt, your parents used to work with me. As you already know you're at HYDRA, and we have only ONE goal, to get rid of the Avengers''. As soon as he said the name 'Avengers' you tensed up and you looked angry, he just chuckled and continued further. "Not a fan of the Avengers eh? Well reasonable, they did kill your parents after all. Then again, they do destroy everything in their path, they don't really deserve to be called heroes, now do they?" He was playing mind games with you but you were too blinded by your revenge against the Avengers that you decided to side with HYDRA 

"I'll cut right through the chase. Your little stunt that you've pulled yesterday was quite... fascinating, the way you've made them look like complete fools. How about we make you more powerful, I know you must be seething with anger and hatred against the Avengers'' he said and you looked at him and without even thinking about the whole situation for a single minute, you smirked and replied "I'll join. But whatever happens, I want those bloody Avengers dead by my hands, no one deserves it more than me'' You just did the unthinkable, you joined HYDRA, the most notorious organization for torturing people, turning them into killers and whatnot

Meanwhile Vanessa and Peter had reached SHIELD and they looked up your address. "She lives at Bakersfield lane, the third house there'' said Vanessa after she enlarged and increased the size of the image on the map on the screen. Peter couldn't explain this uneasy feeling of restlessness that was growing even more inside him. Just then they saw Fury walk in the room and Vanessa immediately closed the search. "Good morning sir'' said Vanessa as he looked at both Peter and Vanessa and spoke "Hmm... you both wouldn't happen to know anything about Trickshot would you?" "Trickshot?" they both asked in unison with confusion evident on their faces 

"Well that's what people are calling the girl who caused all the ruckus yesterday, she's too dangerous to be left unsupervised, she needs to be brought here immediately. And if the two of you know anything I urge you to tell it immediately'' he glared at them and walked off leaving Vanessa and Peter worried for your safety. "Well we know where she lives now, come on, let's go see her" said Peter and they both went over to your house but to their immense displeasure they were just met with silence and a messy living room of yours which became messy due to the struggle you had with the HYDRA agents but of course, they had no idea about it 

"Well she's not here, where could she be?" asked Peter and ruffled his hair in frustration as Vanessa frowned and replied "I know my best friend, Y/N isn't the type of person who just skips school and walks away without an explanation and disappear. Something's not right'' and Peter looked at her and replied "You know, ever since that attack happened, my spidey senses have been tingling like crazy'' Vanessa on the other hand looked miserable and she spoke "Even though Y/N might be a criminal now or something I'm still worried for her... where even are her parents?" 

"Maybe they could be at work or something and had no idea that their house is a mess?" said Peter but nevertheless they didn't give up searching for clues inside your house. "This is a complete invasion of privacy, we shouldn't be doing this!" hissed Peter and Vanessa glared back at him and replied "Well excuse me for being concerned for my friend''. The both of them stumbled into your parent's room and Vanessa looked around and was searching for clues that could lead to where you could be at the moment. "Check it out, there could be something inside that draw there'' said Peter and pointed to a draw where some of your parent's notebooks about their blueprints for the inventions they were working on for HYDRA

They tried to open it but it was sealed shut and unfortunately it was also password protected. "Who in their right mind would want to put a password protection for a drawer?" scowled Vanessa as she looked at it with disdain. Peter tried a couple of combinations and he eventually managed to open the draw as they pulled out the contents of the draw and read them. "What the-'' said Peter in surprise as Vanessa murmured "Oh my gods...Y/N's parents were working for HYDRA!'' "We need to show this to the Avengers'' and Vanessa sighed and looked at him with defeat and replied "Fine'' She just hoped you were safe wherever you were

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