The Apple of their Eye

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It's been a few months now since you've been working for the Avengers and you had to admit, things were going pretty well

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It's been a few months now since you've been working for the Avengers and you had to admit, things were going pretty well. Wanda, Loki and Strange helped you with your powers and the Avengers treated you like on of their own. Things were going well for you and of course, there were times when you felt sad about your parent's deaths but either Peter or Vanessa would comfort you about it and cheer you up

The Avengers eventually found out about you and Peter's relationship with each other well mostly due to Tony's nosy attitude, but nevertheless they were happy for you. You felt closer to Bucky and Natasha the most and even Clint too since they could understand what exactly you've gone through and how you could be feeling. In other words, they were very protective over you and you helped the team with missions whenever they needed you

You were currently at your house and you told your aunt you got taken by the Avengers for a while but you were back now. Your aunt was still a bit emotional for you wanting to live alone but you promised her you'd call her everyday and she accepted and spoke "If you don't I'll chase after you with my rolling pin and that's the last thing you'll ever feel'' she threatened and you didn't know how strong and good her word was so you called her. It was time for you to get going to school and while you were busy making breakfast for yourself, you checked the date and your eyes welled up with tears, today was the date your parents died. You wiped them away and though you were supposed to be angry and mad at them for keeping such a big secret from you like working for HYDRA and hurting people, they were still good parents to you. You had to find your parents' grave for getting some sort of closure, only then you'd feel at peace, you'd be satisfied that you still saw them

You quickly finished your breakfast and you called your aunt wanting the details of where your parents were buried. Your aunt gave you and handed you the address of the graveyard where your parents were buried and you caught the subway as you rode there. Meanwhile Peter and Vanessa were waiting for you outside your door but as they rang your bell you didn't answer they both got worried. "Hang on I have her aunt's number I'll call her'' and Vanessa smirked at him and replied "Wow she already trusts you so much eh? Giving the number of her family? Next thing you know you both will get married'' she joked and Peter's heart couldn't stop beating like crazy after what she'd said but right now finding you was more important. He called your aunt and she filled him in where you were. "She's at a graveyard visiting her parents...'' said Peter in a soft voice as Vanessa's expression turned sad and replied "Come on, let's pay our respects too'' and went to the location where the graveyard was

You were finally standing in front of the tomb of your parents and your eyes couldn't help but water at the sight of them. The good times you had with them from all those playful bantering and bickering with each other, how they've helped you deal with your powers at every step of the way, encouraging you to try your best. You spoke "Mom, dad. I'm supposed to be mad at you both for keeping such a big secret from me. You worked for an organization that hurt so many innocent people but even then you were still loving and kind parents to me. For that I thank you both. I've also learnt that forgiveness is key. Living with a grudge for the rest of your life is exhausting... I've always tried to make you proud but... sometimes I feel like I'm failing at it. Wherever you both are now I hope you're happy and safe with each other'' and you uttered a small prayer for your parents as you sat there just looking at the stones in front of you, feeling helpless and miserable since right under those stones were the remains of your parents and you couldn't bring them back

Peter and Vanessa heard what you said and they had to comfort you. Peter wrapped his arms around you and told you let it out, and as you did, he gently stroked your hair and kissed your head. They both paid their respects too and there was peaceful silence in the atmosphere for a few minutes till Vanessa gently linked your arm with hers and spoke softly "Y/N, we should probably get going to school'' and you nodded and replied :Yeah, coming'' as you took one last look at your parents' graves as you headed to school. Throughout the day you were distracted and after school was done you again went to the graveyard with Vanessa and Peter and they didn't complain one bit since they could understand you were hurting. They understood that you needed some time alone to yourself so they left you alone for a while

"Hey Parker you do know if you break my best friend's heart I will personally kill you and send you to hell right?" said Vanessa and Peter looked at her indignantly and replied "What the heck? Vanessa! You know I wouldn't do that to her. I really love her a lot, she's important to me. And I once promised myself I'd never let her have tears in her eyes and I intend to stick to that'' he said and Vanessa's expression softened and replied "You've got a good heart Peter. Be there for her when I'm not around. She needs someone in her life'' and just then she got a notification regarding a mission. "What is it?" asked Peter and Vanessa replied "Mission time. I don't want to disturb Y/N'' and you suddenly spoke "Why would you disturb me?" and both of them shrieked so loudly that it would have been enough to wake up the dead

"God damn... we're in a graveyard could you not do that? It's freaking creepy'' said Vanessa and you had an amused smile on your face as you turned serious and spoke "Disturb me with what? What's happened?" and Peter told you it was time for a mission. You sighed thought to yourself 'Mom, dad I should get going now. Thank you for everything' as you went to the Avenger's compound your second home with Peter and Vanessa. Ironic isn't it, the very people you despised before were now the closest thing you had as a family with your aunt. You were the apple of the eye for your parents and as for the Avengers, now you were the apple of THEIR eye.... 

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