Vermilion Pokémon School

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A/N: Thanks for taking the time to check this story out. The first and second chapters are short so I hope you give the story further chance until chapter three, by then most characters would have been introduced. Early chapters are also dedicated to developing Ash's friendships with other characters, so naturally, pairings will not be revealed any time soon.

One last thing, for those of you who are not aware: Vermilion City Pokémon School, is an actual school in the Animé, Pokèmon Journeys.


Chapter 1: Vermilion City Pokémon School

A raven-haired preteen opened his eyes, waking up to the morning sunlight that penetrated his window. His room was of a good size, adorned with pokémon merchandise such as action figures and posters. He shot out of his bed, took a bath, and get dressed.

He struggled a bit as he looked at himself in the mirror, making sure his yellow tie and white collar were firm. His outfit consisted of a short-sleeved button-up shirt, pair of shorts, below-the-knee socks, and running shoes. All of which were mainly white in color with dark blue distinct patterns.

He grabbed his dark green backpack and made his way downstairs, smiling at the scent of pancakes coming from his destination, his mother's restaurant. Their two-story house had been remodeled to make the lower half a small family restaurant. The tables and the expanded kitchen were a good distance away from the two newly constructed restrooms, one for males and one for females, both of which could accommodate one person each at a time. The upper floor was left as it was with one master's bedroom, two spacious rooms, and a big terrace.

"Good morning, Ash." A woman in her mid-thirties greeted, just a few inches taller than him. She had mahogany hair and amber eyes.

"Good morning, mom." Ash smiled back as they both took their seats at the kitchen table and started eating breakfast.

"You've grown up so quickly, Ash. Sometimes I forget you are twelve already," the woman, Delia, said as if not seeing her son for a long time. A mixture of happiness and sadness was present in her voice.

"Umm yeah," the preteen responded between bites, noticing his mother's sad tone. "But it's still three more years before I become a pokémon trainer and start my journey. So it's not like I'm leaving any time soon," he added, smiling as warm as the pancakes on his plate.

"Yes, thankfully, the League has made it mandatory for children to complete elementary school and a three-year pokémon course before they can apply for a trainer's license," Delia said a bit too specifically, recalling the League's decision a few years ago. This was to address the growing concern of parents and most adults in general at the thought of allowing mere kids to venture out in the wild. Ash had been sad at that news but this turn of events gave Delia a bit more time to spend with her only child before becoming a trainer. "It is for your safety, so you better study well."

Ash groaned at the word study. It's not that he wasn't good at studying, he just preferred a more physically active way of learning such as field research. One could even see his name at the top 5 of his class yearly for all his 6 years in elementary. Just do not mention that Pallet elementary school had only one class per year level and an average of 5 students each. It was a small town, alright.

"Time's ticking, Ash," Delia pointed at their analog wall clock with the hands indicating 6:29. "We don't want our future pokémon master to be late on his first day in Pokémon School, do we?"

Ash grinned, "Of course not! Thanks for the breakfast, mom!" He rushed to the sink where his mother's Mr. Mime stood, waiting for the dishes. Delia managed to put a lunch box and thermos in his backpack before he came running back to the table. He nodded thanks to the psychic type pokémon and his mother as he waved the two a goodbye, "see you later."

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