Officers and Clubs

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A/N: Thank you for making it to chapter 3!

Chapter 3: Officers and Clubs

"It has now been a week since school started. So I guess you now know your classmates well enough to tell who can represent you and handle positions," the violet-haired homeroom teacher of class 1-2 stated. "Though even if you don't, you still have to select your class officers right now."

Ash hoped he had not done anything special in the previous week to deserve a nomination in any position. He did not want to involve himself in something that might take some of his free time. Thinking about it, all he had done so far was pretty average. He had answered questions asked to him in classes correctly, missing only a few in Algebra, but nothing remarkable. He noticed that most of his classmates were excited, talking to themselves about who they would nominate and vote.

"We will elect 6 positions. Class representative, vice class representative, secretary, treasurer, and 2 sergeants at arms, one for the boys and one for the girls," the teacher listed on the blackboard the positions. "We will start with the class representative, who will be attending some meetings if needed and be the first to be informed about school-related matters. They will also be expected to unite the class and keep everyone following the rules of the school. Raise your hand if you want to nominate someone."

Ash spectated as two familiar names were nominated. Gary and Goh. The two were the most active in answering questions in classes, so naturally, they had attracted the attention of their classmates. He shook his bead disappointingly at the sight of some of his male classmates making bets.

"If there are no more nominations, we will now start the voting. You can only vote once. Raise your hand if you vote for Gary." The teacher counted the number of raised hands and wrote it down. Her class only had 30 students, like most other classes, so if there were only two candidates it would be clear on the first voting who would win. She did not reveal the result yet to make momentary suspense. "Those who vote for Goh, raise your hand." She wrote the number down and cleared her throat. "Gary has 17 votes while Goh has 13. That makes Gary the elected Class Representative." Some girls squealed at the news while some boys groaned, either they didn't like Gary or they lost a bet. "Next is the vice class representative. Raise your hand to nominate."
Goh was nominated again but this time he won, taking the 2nd highest position in the election. This process of nominating and voting continued until all 6 class officers were elected.

"All officers, stand here with me. From right to left, in order of your position." The teacher moved to the right, closer to her table to accommodate the 6 students.

Goh stood beside Gary, frowning for a split second, not because he lost to him in the representative election, but because of his attitude towards his raven-haired friend for the past week.

Gary didn't pay the smaller pre-teen any attention, he just smiled proudly at the class. He sent a smirk at Ash, only to frown a little when he noticed the other pallet native was looking at the other officers, ignoring him as usual.

"Class 1-2, these are your elected officers. Class representative, Gary Oak. Vice class representative, Goh Walker. Secretary, Dawn Berlitz. Treasurer, Serena Yvonne. Male sergeant at arms, Kenny Kengo. Female sergeant at arms, Misty Waterflower. Please respect their authority and listen to what they have to say. But of course, if you think any of them are stepping out of their boundaries, don't hesitate to inform me." The teacher then turned to the elected officers, "you can read the detailed information about your duties in your student handbook. You can ask me if there is something you need clarification on." She then gave the officers a moment to thank the class before ordering them back to their seats.

"Now, I want to inform you about school clubs." The teacher handed each front seat student some papers. "Get one then pass." They did so, taking one paper and handing the rest to the next student behind them. "As you can see, that is a list of clubs you can join along with a brief description of what they do. Later when you get dismissed, I suggest you visit the Clubs' Building and check for more information on them. Joining a club is optional, not mandatory."

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