Chapter 9: She bothers him.

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"So you don't know how to do a simple mundane task" Maria's eyes lit a crazy fire as she eyed me.

For a moment I thought I'll be her next meal because she looked like an angry dragon. I can also see smoke evaporating from her ears.

"Old lady, please please please for the love of the mighty dragon help me clean it. I am sorry I don't know how to do this mundane task" this is my tenth time pleading as she kept asking the same question.

"Young people this days, I tell you when I was your age I used to wash thousands of blankets in a day, also I was married."She ratted.

"Well really then this tiny blanket is no rocket science for you" I smiled at her as O hugged her.

She is not your typical happy, sweet grandma who will offer you cookie and stories rather she is strict, angry and wise woman.

I love her character and I am sure that she must have been the one who caused a few trouble in her days to actually delay her marriage till she was in her twenties.

"Get off, young lady" she yelled in my ear again as I moved back.

"Come on Maria. I love you okay and I want to cuddle with an old lady as well. You really are playing hard to get with me but not with Max" I folded my arms as she shook her head.

"First place in your cleaning agents." She ignored me as she picked up a few little colored beads which looked like m&ms and threw them in the washer along with liquid detergents.

"Then goes your sheet" she explained as she worked her way in the laundry.

Her way of teaching reminded me of my mom.

Huh! If only I learned it back then but considering I am kidnapped for 2 weeks and this lady will become my friend I have no regrets.

My hands reached out to my pocket when I realized it was empty.

"And that is how you do your laundry." Maria concluded as she faced me with serious teacher look.

"Yup, understood" I saluted giving her a smile.


Why does it bother me.

Why does her presence bother me.

Her smile.

Her voice .

Her hair.

Her lips.

Her chubby body.

Her whole existence.

Why does it bother me like I need to see her now.

For the sake of my sanity, why does a girl of two days is swimming in my head like a pest.

"Hey Mr. Allister, still thinking about her" the world's most annoying voice snirred beside me.

"I am not thinking about that theif" I cleared feeling brave.

"Really is that what you call your love" he made a hand heart which disgusted me.

Seriously a heart and love. Her my love. What a joke she is not even qualified to be someone I know because she is annoying as hell.

"Stop that" I slapped his hand.

"Why the heck would you call her my love she clearly is not,"

"Then why were you so crazy to kidnap her and in the end got the wrong girl bro" he stated. Wait I wasn't, oh no not again.

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