Chapter Twenty Two

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Two: Far More Beautiful

The two girls returned to find their husbands engrossed in a fierce match Who wizarding chess. Hermione could not help but wonder how on earth did Ron get a magical chessboard in this place.

"King to E2," Harry commanded as the king piece moved across it's position to the ordered position. Ron smirked.

"Knight to E3," he ordered clearly and the black piece moved to the alloted position. "Checkmate!" Harry groaned. He was stuck and this was not the first time in an hour. Ginny smiled and walked over to them. She sat herself on the arm of Harry's armchair.

"Rook to E5," Ginny instructed. The piece in question looked at Harry with a questioning look. Harry nodded and it moved forward. It was Ron's turn to groan. He muttered something under his breath as Harry pecked Ginny on the cheek for helping him. Hermione was about to try and help Ron (though she knew he would not accept his help) when the grandfather clock ticked, it's gong resonating throughout the house.

"Oh my Merlin! It's ten already! Ron, we must go to the ministry!" Hermione exclaimed, jumping up and down. Ron looked up at her with a frown.

"Hermione, you're my boss so I ask you a day off, bye," Ron said, turning his concentration back to the chessboard.

"Oh no you don't! I am not giving you a day off! You are supposed to collect the reports from the aurors who searched for Harry yesterday, make a proper and neat report with your signature and present it to my undersecretary. Do you understand?" Hermione asked, pointing a finger at Ron who whined. Harry and Ginny snickered.

"Oi, I bet even you have that muggle office of yours," Ron shot back at the snickering pair who lost their snickers.

"You forgot," Harry said.

"We forgot," Ginny corrected.

"No, you."

"What do you mean by that, Harry? You are my co-worker!"

It was Ron's turn to snicker but a glare from Hermione silenced him.

Harry sighed. "I resigned yesterday knowing full well that I won't survive but here I am."

"Oh. Good," Ginny said. The three of them raised their eyebrows at her but Hermione instantly shook her head as if she was trying to snap out of something.

"RONALD WEASLEY! YOU ARE COMING WITH ME TO THE MINISTRY NOW!" she shouted. The fancy vases around the drawing room shook slightly.

"Ssh, Hermione! If Mrs Black hea-" Harry started but was cut off by the lady, rather, the portrait in question.

"FILTHY BLOOD TRAITORS IN THIS PURE HOUSE! HALF-BREEDS!" the 'ruddy portrait' as Ron liked to call, started screaming. All four of them groaned.

"I thought that charm would work, Harry. Maybe you're getting too old for auror charms," Ron teased, grinning like a monkey. Harry shrugged in response.

"Now, who wants to silence her?" Ginny asked, looking sweetly at a sweating Harry.

"Err. . .umm. Fine! Stop those gorgeous eyes of yours. 'Fraid they would make me do anything," Harry muttered, getting up slowly. Ginny winked at him as he left, a smirk plastered on his recovering face whilst Ron looked surprised and Hermione beamed.

"Are you telling me?" Ron started. "That you both fought not twenty four hours ago?"

"I never told you, dear brother. It was Hermione who told the erratic tale of our love," Ginny replied, smirking. Ron snorted in response. Hermione stomped her foot to gain his attention.

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