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After eating you and Camilo went out to town to just chill for a bit. While walking you noticed two people you've never seen before. You walked over to them still holding Camilos hand and introduced yourself. " Hi! I'm Y/N L/N, What's your guys name? " They both stared at you then Camilo. One of them was a tall boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. And the other was a bit taller then Camilo also a guy with black hair and blue eyes. " I'm Yuka Lino " The brown haired boy said. " And I'm Hyou Finn " the other boy said. You looked at Camilo and nudged him. " I'm Cami- " he was cut off by the brown haired boy " Yes Camilo Madrigal we know " the brown haired boy said sounding annoyed. " you don't gotta be rude about it " you said crossing your arms. " Shut your trap shortie " Hyou said. " Ugh rude " you said lightly pushing Hyou. Hyou the glared at you " You have 5 seconds to run shortie " he said cracking his knuckles. " I'm in heels tho- " you said then getting cut off. " 5....4...3 " Hyou said still glaring at you. Camilo quickly scooped you up into his arms then booking it to the Casita. About half way there you heard foot steps quickly approaching you. You turned to see how close they were and you saw that they were literally on your tail. You freaked out and couldn't think of what to do. You saw that Hyou was about to grab Camilos poncho so you thought quickly and kicked his hand.
( Camilo is holding you like how people hold a baby against their chest )
Once you reached the Casita, Camilo slammed the door shut. " What's wrong hijo? " Pepa said confused. " SOLO FUIMOS PERSEGUIDOS POR LOCOS ALTOS HIJOS DE PERRA " ( WE WERE JUST CHASED BY CRAZY TALL SONS OF BITCHES ) Camilo said freaked out. " CUIDA TU IDIOMA " ( WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE ) Pepa screeched back. " Sorry mamá ". Camilo replied. " Anyway we were chased because this little troublemaker decided to mess with some tall dude " He said obviously hinting it was you. " Hey he messed with me first, he was being rude to you " You said crossing your arms. Camilo rolled his eyes.

Your mom then rushed into the room. " vas a tener que quedarte aquí esta noche, tu habitación está siendo renovada ." ( You're going to have to stay here tonight, your room is being renovated). " Ok Mamá, love you " you said while she kissed you cheek. " Love you too my beautiful child ". Once your mom left you and Camilo got ready for bed. You yawned and laid down waiting for your cuddles. Camilo looked a bit worried but you were too. " Do you think their gonna beat us up tomorrow..? " do said one your worried tone. " I hope not..If they do we can have Luisa by our side " he said looking back at you smiling. He then got in the bed and cuddled you. " But for right now I'm going to cuddle my little troublemaker " he said smiling with you in his arms

Word count: 594
Hi I'm sorry this was another short one but lately my mental health has not been very well. People at my school were telling me to kms and stuff like that. I also had a recent suicide attempt but luckily I failed. I will try to post more and I'm so very sorry!! But I'd also like some of you to decide what Y/N does if they have an encounter with the boys!!

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