The arrival

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            10 thousand BCE. Homo sapiens just concurred the entirety of the Globe, integrating or destroying other human species. They started differing from region to region in culture. They already use fire, and can make communities. And I was sent here. I may be the luckiest champ ever. 

           My sentence was quick. They pulled a random bad time in Earthly, asked any preference in placement on a coordinate base, or where I should arrive if it was a current time and was sent back. But i knew what to do and how.  

           The technology, time travel, was a known method to sentence prisoners now, for more then a decade. People got their sentence, got strapped in a seat, got a bad time on Earth and shazoom: most of them landed in pre-human historic era, it was the longest one after all. There they couldn't live through with absolute certainty, and couldn't madle with the course of evolution or the history of the globe at all. Some did came into human history, like transported in the middle of some wars, or famines, and some did leave some traces of life. I remember, I learned in school about a guy, I think his name was Arnaud de Tilth. The guy got convicted of arson and land fraud, so was sent back to 1560 in Catalonia, between France and Spain. After that appeared some judiciary papers of him getting in front of a judge cause he posed as another guy, commited land and inheritance fraud, as well as impostoring another guy, and was executed there. He couldn't stand for a few decades without falling back. 

             But I was smart. I knew, that anywhere I go, I need techniques to survive. Just before making my plans to rob the bank, I made the plans to survive if I get transported back. I went to history lectures on a university scale, got into ancient climatic and geologic history. Studied basic survival techniques from fire starting, to the more advanced ones, like building a dynamo.              And now, I was ready. Yes, the robbery didn't go as planned, although I spent equal time and effort on that too, but I wasn't frustrated about it. I knew that my life, if I get it right, will be somewhat good, even if I have to work for it.


             And now I was there. In the middle of what latter will be known as the Gheorghean Basin. What a place, am I right? Protected on all sides by mountains, having a bunch of forests, and not so much recorded findings from here till the arrival of the celtics. And that was thousands of years ahead of me, I will be dead till then, for sure.

              So I started working. I had to have something before the night, cause it was still an Ice Age, so the temperatures weren't that keen for a human. After wandering around the endless pine trees I found what I was looking for: the river. Not the Danube, nor the Mureș, just a small river. But this river was perfect for me, as it was and will be a good water source for the next few milennia. As I remember only in the 21st century it did get small, but that's ahead of me as well. So I started branch breaking and collecting. Till midday I had enough for a basic fire, and maybe even storage. Now, just had to make a house. Unfortunately this place isn't good for those survival show houses because it doesn't have large leafs. But that doesn't mean I can't build a house, just like they did maybe a few hundred thousand kilometres away from me: in the ground, with the roof being made out of grass and dirt. But for that I needed tools. And as well as my far neighbors, I knew how to make them: river stone. In the asheluan culture, that may as well already died out, they used river stones and broken stones for tools. The chiseled almost all sides of a single stone, și that it can be griped better, and it can be used as a multitool. They used the fallen of shards as well for different things, such as primitive drills, or dart bolts. And this was my thing in this time. I searched for good enough rocks, mostly made out of flint and silex, in the river, and started banging them and grinding them together, to make tools. I have to say, it did take a bunch of time, it even came to almost mid afternoon till, I got a decent enough rock for something to make giant holes with for a house, and a bunch of shards. After that, it just came for digging. I sang my favourite song from my early years, it was a classic

~I am a Dwarf and I'm digging a hole~

             If anyone would've seen me from the modern era, they would've thought, I'm some kind of lunatic, but in this time, I was almost perfectly normal...apart the whole different language and song thing.

              So, after a few hours of digging, and placing sticks, and filling back, I had my house: a hole in the ground. It had an opening in the front, that had a few larger sticks placed across, and a smaller in the back for airway. If I don't want to freeze mid night, I have to have fire in the house, but to do that, I have to have airways. The walls I made with pushing the soil to the side after almost every earthbreak. It wasn't good, wasn't too even, but I don't have OCD, I go for practicality.

              And then the night came. I was a bit sad, that my first day went by this fast, but who cares, I have the entire history to live through, am I right? Hah. So I put more sticks on the fire I already have inside, and went on to sleep next to it, on just hard dirt. I really need to make a bed tomorrow, but first, I need to find berries, and that maybe that good mushroom place, that one friend told me about. All well, time to sleep.

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