7 - Secrets

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I dismissed the pile of assignments lining uptop the surface of my desk. None of it mattered anyway since I was pretty quick at getting work done. Plus, the college had created a mental health week for students who needed time off for personal reasons.
Slumped against the comforter of my bed, I processed the events of the previous night. That creature claimed to have waited 30 years but why? And what did it want with Michael of all people? I gazed down at my phone laid flat against the cushioned seating of my office chair.

I was tempted to text Michael about the incident but I hesitated because, for all I know, he could react the same way as Jim. What about Emma though? I frowned just thinking about her as well as her children. She was in danger but I doubt she would listen to me if I told her a crazy animatronic rabbit was preying on employees. That is unless she knows?
My overthinking may have been getting the best of me but I managed to narrow down two personal goals. One, I needed to figure out if any of the other employees knew what was going on but I also needed to learn how to pull that off discreetly as to not cause any more conflict with Jim. Two, I decided I would learn about Springtrap but to figure out how I'd be able to end his reign of terror for good. Since Jim didn't seem to care and threatened me, I'm going to ensure his little alliance with Springtrap is demolished.
I tilted my head back, satisfied with my outcome. My back still stung from having been shoved, but I suppose it served as a reminder to be more cautious. I felt like I was gambling with my life here. Maybe once I start my second year, I should study abroad to get away from it all.
I gently held onto the handle of the porcelain teacup. The honey-brown liquid steamed against my lips and the tip of my nose as I brought it up slowly to take a sip. I let the flavors sit on my tongue. The aroma relaxed my nerves and for a moment, the world around me went quiet. The tea's bittersweet flavor embraced the interior of my mouth as I swallowed it. The warmth increased as I felt it land within the pit of my stomach.
I savored this moment for I knew that at any given moment it might be my last. Realistically, I know I'll be forced to confront it which is why it's ridiculous for me to make attempts to relax or distract myself. The bruising on my back and forearm is enough to be a wake-up call. I rolled the sleeves of my sweater back. There it was in all its glory. A variety of mauve marks decorated the (S/C) skin. I leaned into the backrest of the booth observing the people around me. Most were students from my college with their noses buried in the crevasses of their book pages. Their packets of work scattered about with the only colorful thing being the highlighted notes of annotations. And of course, who could forget the laptop? The laptop was a college student's best friend. Toxic of course but still meaningful. I wondered how cold their coffee must be having sat there all this time while they were hard at work. Now over to my left, was a group of women. All dolled up but in expensive suits. Gucci, perhaps. With their long acrylic nails, they typed away on the keyboard of their phones discussing accounting amongst one another. It was a rare sight since most women within this town found themselves already married at the age of sixteen with children at eighteen. Good for them. I looked over to my right and froze as I noticed a familiar man with the same sickly complexion as before. Somehow it looked like he'd been getting worse. Should I greet him? It was only polite to but what was up with me and meeting coworkers at this cafe. I might as well seek another haven. I stood up, taking ahold of my tea as I approached him.
There was a newspaper in front of him but he seemed zoned out. He's not reading it, I thought as I smiled once he noticed my presence.
"Hi Michael, how are you doing?" I watched awkwardly as he just stared at me blankly. There was not much going on behind those icy orbs of his.
"Hey." He muttered, his gaze not even coming close to meeting mine, "I'm good. I didn't know you came here too. Please, sit." He offered, gesturing to the empty seat before me which I gladly accepted.
"How's your Night Shift going?" I decided to ask, curious if Springtrap was active when he was on duty.
"Did he wake up?" Michael suddenly asked somewhat ignoring my question. His tone was firm with me as his cold gaze finally looked up to meet mine. My blood ran cold as he mentioned it. So, he did know?
"You mean. .Well, yeah, he woke up during my last shift. What can you tell me about him? It's not like he's just a regular robot animal." I decided to ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. Michael sighed, his eyebrows knitting in thought as he tapped his dirty fingernails against the surface of the desk.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). This is such a tedious job. I know it's a handful and I know how much you want to quit." He mumbled, "But you can't. I have seen countless times what has happened to those who've attempted. Jim is a piece of shit man and boss. He has connections to the police because his brother is the head chef. When he was sending job applications, he sent them out to young adults intentionally. I've seen so many come by that I've lost count and most of them didn't usually come out. You have to survive every night." He placed his blemished hand over mine as concern washed over his visage.
"No, don't apologize. You're not the one targeting young adults. I'm sure there has to be a higher authority than the chief and maybe we can talk to them about what's been going on?" I reassured him. My mind was blown at what he was saying. Springtrap was right; I was his human sacrifice and I had no form of escape. Wherever I go they'll find me. I was far from unsafe. What about mother though? Will she be safe? I felt like a fucking moron. Damnit (Y/N)! Get it together.
"I tried. You think I'd sit there and let him do that to them?" Michael sighed, "I did everything I could. I knew he was in there so I tried bordering him up in an isolated room when I first got my job but Jim..that son of a bitch found him and brought him out. Said he was a miracle for the business. I knew I couldn't let people take the night shift with that thing out, so I willingly covered that shift from weekdays to weekends but out of nowhere, Jim switched up on me. Said he wanted to see new faces.."
"There has to be a solution. Whatever it is, I'll find it but I could use more information on Springtrap. I don't understand him or why he's even still alive. It seems he has an obsession with you." I bit the inside of my cheek as I recalled his demands for me to bring him Michael.
"What do you mean? He's mentioned me?" He suddenly sat up as if he had recalled a last-minute thought.
"Well, no, but," I retracted my hand from him to rub the nape of my neck, "He has mentioned you before but it's usually out of anger. What was your experience with him? Or more specifically, how were you able to handle him?"
"Well, one good thing you should know is that Springtrap always shuts down automatically in the daytime. He's on like a nocturnal setting but I think it's because he's animatronic which could mean that it's part of his system. The other good news is that I helped add sounds to our monitor system. Springtrap is intelligent but not intelligent enough to understand the difference between beeping and human speech. The sounds serve as a distraction. Whenever I'm on Night Shift I use it so he can't find me."
"Shit! The sounds work?" I slapped my hands on the table in surprise but felt my face flush as people at surrounding tables began to eye me weirdly.
"Be very careful though because although he is pretty stupid with sounds, he knows the environment very well which means he could still show up to your office at any given moment." He informed me, "It might be even harder for you too because now that he knows you're there. He's gonna start making attempts to come to your office more. Has he spoken to you yet?"
"Um, no. He hasn't." I lied knowing damn well he had and not in a nice way either. He rested a hand over his chest and released a sigh.
"Perfect. Conversing might make him want to pursue you more," He spoke nonchalantly.
Fuck. Pursue me more? At this point, I'd honestly just finish the job for him.
"And if he did, what do you think he'd try to do?" I asked curiously.
"Trick you then kill you off when you're not useful to him anymore." His tone remained casual despite the words alarming me but, to be honest, everything I had learned today was just overall concerning. Just the idea that I'm risking my life to spend a night at an abandoned pizzeria with an evil animatronic bunny is enough to sound like it would be the scenario used in one of those survival of the fittest shows where people compete to see who survives the longest for money. Unfortunately, in my case, I'm fighting for my life. "One last question." I uttered, "How is he alive?"

A/N: Sorry for the wait, I'm creating illustrations for a children's book and I needed to make a portfolio for college ;-;

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