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As I shifted my weight the wooden floor made a popping sound under my knees. My heart dropped to my stomach at the sight in front of me. No, I couldn't bring myself to believe what I was looking at.
This has to be a dream, this can't be, no no no...

One of my uninjured hands made its way forward, attempting to reach my mother's lifeless body. My lips began trembling as my eyesight got blurred. The feeling of panic rose inside of my stomach that I almost forgot the stinging of my wounds.

"Mommy?" I quietly spoke, my fingertips lightly brushed against her shoulder. I patiently waited for my mother to answer, but only the popping sound of flames filled the atmosphere. I swallowed hard, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Mommy, please wake up" My voice came out shaky and quieter than I intended, I suck in a deep breath as the tears ran down my face, making the stretch on my face sting.

I was lost, I didn't know what to do. There was this pain in my chest that I've never felt before. I couldn't move or speak. I was just there, sitting on my knees silently lost in my head for God knows how long, my hand still on my mother's.

I saw many dead people before all of this and because my mother looked just like them I knew that she wasn't here anymore. She was dead just like a couple of other people around us. Part of me still hoped that she'll just wake up, smile, and tell me that she's okay, that she's not leaving me...

The smoke made it hard to breathe, not even mentioning the panic I feel currently.

Loud Footsteps echoed through the area. I didn't dare to look into the direction that they came from or from who.

The footsteps got louder as they got closer to me.

"Take her" Was the last thing that I captured
before someone grabbed me by my shoulders. That made me come back to reality, and I started kicking and shouting, attempting to escape from whoever's grip I'm in, but their grip never loosened. It was too strong.

My tired body relaxed, the panic faded away. The relaxation wasn't because I feel safe or calm, it was because I didn't care anymore I just wanted to be with my mother again.

The person that held me turned his body to face what looked like a man. Only the light from the flames hit his face making it hard to see him.

"She will make a good fighter" The man's voice was low, fear ran down my spine as he stepped closer starting directly at my eyes.

My mother used to teach me how to be fearless, it never worked though. I'd always freeze and everyone had to save my ass. I was a burden to her, I knew it. I wasn't the fighter that she wanted me to be, but how can I be? I'm only a child.


"What is this?" I twisted the blue stone in front of my eyes, examining it carefully. The blue stone that Powder showed me a few seconds ago.

My legs dangled off the edge of an old building. I and Powder often come here to hang out since no one else comes up here, it's a perfect place to be alone. You can see a lot from up here.

She shrugged her shoulders, her eyes staring at the abyss of the city. I felt that she was upset, I knew her well.

I don't exactly remember what happened a few years ago when I was seven. All Silco told me was that my mother abandoned me, I couldn't help but wonder if she left me because I wasn't good enough or maybe I was a burden.

After Silco took me in, I met Powder and her sister Vi. They both were so nice and kind to me, I and Powder became friends almost instantly since we had a lot in common, we both liked bombs and guns, she was an excellent shot, on the other hand, her bombs never worked, or at least I never saw them work.

I never tried making a bomb, only shooting a gun, I was good with knives or, well, throwing them so it wasn't a problem shooting a gun.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I quietly asked glancing at her, hoping she will answer it instantly, but I was met with disappointment as she stayed silent, only her eyebrows frowned.

"Pow-pow, you know you can tell me, it's okay" My voice came out quieter than the first time, maybe because I don't exactly talk with people a lot.
Silco didn't want me to see other people, in fact right now I should be training not sitting here with Powder.

She hesitantly turns her head slightly, still not making eye contact with me, she lets out a nervous sigh, " I messed up, again-" her voice came out trembling, pain in her voice was familiar, " I mess everything up, always, and my bombs, t-they never work-" Powder pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them and placing her head on her hands, " -and. M-Mylo..." She couldn't finish her sentence, quiet sobs reached my ears. I didn't like seeing her hurt, it felt like someone ripped my heart out of my chest and made me look at it.

" Pow-pow it's okay, you will improve, I'm sure-" I hesitantly said not knowing what to tell her to make her feel better. My mood quickly changed when I realized what Mylo possibly told her.

" -and Mylo? He doesn't know when to shut up" I scoffed, my voice not so quiet anymore. I hate him and I hate this, I hate when Powder feels like this, hate whoever makes Powder feel like this.

Powder sadly chuckled, wiping her nose into her sleeve, "I'm not a fighter".

Her words hit me hard, the familiar feeling of insecurity rose in my stomach, " don't say th-"

" Powder!" Vi shouted from behind not letting me finish my sentence. We both whirled our heads in her direction.

She ambled to us, her hands lazily hung on her sides. My eyes quickly glanced to powder catching her wiping her tears with her wrists aggressively.

"Hey" I ignored the pain in my chest as I greeted Vi, sending her a bright smile that she instantly returned.

"What y'all doing?" She sat down in between me and Powder whose face looked like nothing happened.

" just talking" Powder's fingers played with dust on her knee not sparing a glance Vi's way. She didn't want her sister to know that she cried, although she will probably tell her later.

"About what?" Vi chuckled clearly not satisfied with Powder's answer, she turned to me, raising her eyebrow " well?".

I shrugged, the blue stone crossed my mind, but I can't tell her about it, it's not my place to tell, it was Powders.

Powder moved behind Vi, " about this" she pulled out one blue stone from her pouch, " should we show them to Vander?".

"No!" Vi said a little too loudly and Powder's eyebrows frowned in confusion for a second," let this be our little secret" Vi smiled calmly.

Hey y'all this is my first fanfics, I hope you enjoyed it.❤

For people who don't understand how Y/N forgot about her mother dying: if the brain registers an overwhelming trauma, then it can essentially block that memory in a process called dissociation. (Please don't comment, if you aren't well educated).

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