13. The shipment

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Y/Ns pov

I was leaning upon a wooden wall of the airship, sitting on a barrel cross-legged and my fingertips tracing the blade that I was holding. My eyes watched as the workers loaded the airship with Shimmer, but my thoughts wandered somewhere else, this morning when I woke up and Jinx wasn't sleeping beside me, her clothes were gone just like her. I haven't seen her around yet, and that made me pissed, especially when she was supposed to be here, I didn't dare to ask Sevika, she would suspect something, and Im not in the mood for that right now.

I huffed a the boredom that pricked at me, my eyes now roamed around the area examining the barrels of shimmer on the deck, then the workers and then Silcos henchmen, one big dude with a shit ton of tattoos standing right next to the cargo probably making sure every drop of shimmer is there, as the worker put one of the last barrels down he weirdly looked at the big dude perhaps suspecting something, but he ignored it and cleared his throat.

" Uh, shipment manifest?" He didn't look anywhere else but his papers, a pen in his palms.

Sevika dropped a pouch of coins on his papers making him look at her," from your friend. downtown.", her voice was low and dominant. And she almost looked scary even to me.

The worker glanced at the dude and then at me, and I gave him an innocent lazy wave of my hand and dropped it to my side again as if to show him that he should mind his own business.
He stamped the paper placing it out for Sevika to take it and she yanked it out of his hand.

Before he could leave someone flew fast by the entrance, I jumped at the sight of firelights and instantly hopped down from the barrel I was sitting on. The firelights were attacking us, clearly, they wanted to destroy the cargo and it was my job to guard the it.

"Ah shit the firelight", someone yelled out getting my attention, and before I could register the firelights flew onto the top deck dropping some bombs that imprisoned most of the crew and knocking out the others. I didn't know what to do in this situation, but as soon as one of the firelights flew past me I knocked him down from his hoverboard and pulled out one of my blades, he didn't give up and we both started fighting.

I was too busy fighting him to notice the leader and two of his allies behind him stepping onto the deck," we have five minutes till they're out of there", he took out his watch spinning it and then setting it.

I finished off the firelight I was fighting, blood now stained my hands. My head yanked to the direction of other firelights opening the shimmer," you ever seen this much shimmer before", the girl with a mask said, I listened to them talk trying to figure out a plan as soon as I can," they're expanding. Check for more below. Burn it all", the leader said. I knew who he was, making me unfocused on the plan, all I could think about is his hands on my neck drowning me in that filthy water. And as if I was back in that water I started coughing as the nonexistent water gagged me.

One of the firelights noticed me grabbing me by the back of my neck and leading me to his leader, "what do I do with her?", he showed me to Ekko who was silent but answered in a few seconds," tie her up, we will take her with us". I narrowed my eyes at him.

A loud bang sounded from the bellow, shaking the whole airship and the pink smoke came out of the bellow, making the area filled with smoke.
I caught a bit and focused on the sound of boots stepping out of the smoke as it cleared. Jinx's figure came out of it, her fingers on her chin and then back to her arm that was crossed. I was smoking with anger now, all this time she was here and didn't bother to even talk with me.

She blew her long big hair strand away from her face, "hi" her eyes darted between the firelights and me. I let out a low growl under my nose.
Jinx pulled out her bomb and with her teeth ripped out the safety pin rings and threw it to the two firefights beside Ekko making them fall over the railings. Ekko turned back to them watching them fall and the bombs blew up.

My eyes glanced at Jinx who was now stepping towards Ekko, pulling her gun out and spinning it with her hand. And once I tried to get over to Ekko and fight him one of the firelights attacked me, sending me to the ground. I winced and shook my head attempting to get rid of the dizziness. The firelight placed his knee on my abdomen keeping me in place as he tied up my wrists.

Ekko threw something at Jinx and she dodged it easily, aiming her gun at him and shooting but missing.
My eyes caught a firelight about to jump on her, "Jinx watch out!", I yelled as loud as I could, trying to get rid of the ropes that cut into my wrists at this point making me bleed.

Jinx's head jerked directly at the firelight and as he jumped, she simply jumped away a bit and aimed to his head, but missed when he jerked back, before he could fight here she kicked him sending him to the wooden floor and jumping onto his face.

Her face was radiating anger as she glared at Ekko who was trying to burn the last bit of Shimmer. He pushed the barrel, spilling the shimmer on the ground and Jinx made her way to him. A whistle echoed through the atmosphere as he motioned the girl firelight to burn the shimmer on the floor.

Jinx grabbed her hand with a fire thingy in it and smacked her mask off. She froze, and for a moment I couldn't figure out why, but then I did when I saw the girl's hair, they were pink just like Vis. Jinx must've gotten confused," V-Vi?".

Oh no.

I could see that Jinx began to freak out. The pink-haired firelight dropped the fire thingy lighting up the shimmer," shit!", I yelled as soon as I got out of the ropes, my wrists bloody and bruised now, "Jinx, she's not Vi!" I stood in one place.

Jinx let the girl go and when she ran she shot her, "no!", Ekko shouted reaching for the girl as he let out sharp breaths and checked his watch.
When he tried to run to Jinx, she pulled out her big gun and started shooting everywhere. I hid behind a big box falling on my ass hoping I won't get shot today.

One of the firelights grabbed Ekko and they were gone. Jinx shot like crazy, the bullets going everywhere and hitting one dude. Jinxs yell was hitting my heart and I wished I could get her to calm down.

I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight, this was too painful to listen, but my hands didn't shut out the sound of the gun.

Jinx stopped slowly and I stood up hesitantly, my eyes flew to Sevika who just got out of the crystals or whatever those things were. She looked around quickly and when she saw Jinx, her hands harshly spinned her around by her shoulder," you were supposed to guard the cargo!", Sevika growled at the girl in front of her. Jinx just smirked tilting her head to the side.

"leave it, Sevika!", I slapped Sevikas shoulder once, attempting to stop her lashing out on Jinx, she just looked at me not saying anything, probably mad at me too since I didn't do my job successfully.

Jinxs pov.

" leave it, Sevika!", Y/N slapped Sevikas shoulder, probably trying to get her to stop lashing out at me, that I seriously didn't mind, but when Sevika looked back to Y/N with the anger in her eyes I knew she was mad at Y/N for not doing her job, that wasn't her fault. My anger coiled in my stomach at the thought of Sevika looking at Y/N like that.

My eyes roamed around Y/N examining her body condition, seeing if I can find any injury. My eyes widened when I saw her bloody wrists at her sides, her fists clenched together tightly.

"What happened to your wrists", I grabbed her hands, inspecting the condition of the cuts. They were deep and big, making me cringe.

" those stupid firelights tied me up", she huffed jerking her wrists back to her sides. Her jaw tightened and my brows snapped together at her actions.

"She's mad at you" Mylo spoke behind my shoulder.

"What?", I attempted to peek at her face that was turned away from me. Was she uncomfortable around me because of what happened last night? Or was she mad about it? Maybe she didn't want to have sex with me and now she regrets it.

When she didn't bother to respond I spoke," I-", Sevika didn't let me finish and started speaking herself," do you want to go to jail or something, hurry the fuck up and let's go!", her loud voice made me cringe.

She grabbed Y/N by her forearm leading her out through the entrance and as much as I wanted to get Sevikas arm off of my girl and maybe dump it into toxic gas and feed it to Sevika I just followed them.

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