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"Look at this one" little man took out a mask from under the counter," I made it myself", a smile played on his face as he proudly showed the mask off.

"It's pretty," Powder, who sat beside me said, her face full of awe. I would be lying if I said that I wasnt jealous, I admit I have a tiny crush on Powder, she was one of the most gorgeous girls I'd seen. I know that Ekko has a crush on her too it's not hard to guess.

"Yeah, it's nice", I tried to hide the jealousy in my voice, once it came out thought it sounded as if I was pissed, which I was.

Ekko nodded his head a couple of times with an ear-to-ear smile," I've been creating a lot of stuff lately, this is one of a few".


" Hey, I was thinking we could mess around with some enforcers, or maybe put glitter in Sevika's whiskey?" Powder spoke, clearly trying to cheer me up. It was never boring with her, and to tell you, I hate boredom. So being with her was the best time of the day, even tho I get punished after for sneaking out.

An evil smirk crept onto my face," I would really love to annoy some enforcers right now", I agreed with Powder. She flashed me a bright smile that I loved to see, seriously I could look at her smiling for the rest of my life.

I and Powder yanked our heads to the egotistical brat waiting for his answer, "hell yeah!" He shouted a little too loud.

"Watch your language, kid", Benzo warned stepping into the store.

" Sorry" with that Ekko hopped across the counter grabbing Powder's hand making my blood boil.


"I hope it works this time", Powder whispered into my ear as she was standing behind me, both of us leaning over the corner, waiting for her bomb to explode. The bomb wasn't a normal bomb, it was a glitter bomb, totally harmless.

" it will work don't worry", I assured her glancing at her and giving her a soft smile that she returned instantly.

Our heads whipped into the direction where an explosion of the glitter bomb went off. Enforcers now covered in glitter noticed us and made their way in our direction.

I giggled, grabbing Powder's hand into mine and fleeing to our agreed meeting place where Ekko sat on his weird-looking bike waiting for us.

As soon as we all sat in he started peddling, I and Powder let out hysterical laughs when Ekko flipped off the enforcers, which wasnt the best idea cuz as soon as he tried to place his hand back, the bike hit a tiny rock and sent us flying into the air.

I hit the ground hard rolling and hitting my head into the nearest barrel. A yelp left my lips as my eyebrow started to sting.

"Are you okay?!", Powder and Ekko came running to me. I sat up my head a little dizzy from the impact.

" yeah, Im okay", I answered not wanting to make them worry, but I failed when warm liquid ran down my face.

Powder's face flashed with worry, "you're bleeding", she took a cloth from her pouch, bringing it to my eyebrow she cleaned it.

" Thanks" I smiled softly. Ekko offered his hand to help me stand up and I gladly took it.


"Where have you been, Y/N?" Silcos' low voice echoed through the building. He sat on an old chair that made a squeaky sound as he leaned back into it.

"Out" Fear lingered in my chest, but I didn't let it show. He hummed in response as he raised his hand instructing me to come closer to him.

"And what were you doing?" His hand reached for a gold-colored needle or whatever that thing was.

" I was playing with friends", I told him the truth shamefully.

" You were supposed to be training" his voice came out calm but irritated. Not wanting to irritate him further I sauntered to his side, my fingers tangled together as I played with them nervously.

He let out a sigh, " How many times will I have to remind you?" He frowned, my body slightly jumped at the sudden sound of his hand slamming the table in front of him.

"I'm sorry" My eyes wandered everywhere but him, examining every crack in the building. The building looked as old as this city. Chemistry tools were set on a table, where the doctor was creating something. I never thought about asking about it, if I did I'd probably get shown away and told to mind my own business.

Silco injected something into his eye, shaking a little and running his hand through his hair, fixing it.

" Your sorry is not enough-". He pinched his nose bridge with a sigh calming himself down," I just want you to be prepared and strong," he continued as he rose from his chair, walking past me and motioning me to follow him which I instantly did." You see power, real power doesn't come to those who are born the strongest or fastest or smartest", his voice low, "no, It comes to those who would do anything to achieve it".

Silco walked towards a big window, his hands behind his back. I wrinkled up my face," I know, Im sorry I'll make it up", my voice came out as if I was irritated, throwing my hands dramatically in the air.

Silco chuckled darkly " I know, I believe you will be a fighter once your older, you will work for me".

I rolled my eyes at his statement, he told me that a million times, always pushing me to train and work for him because he gave a roof over my head.

"from now on, I don't want you to leave your room, do you understand?" His eyes met mine.

I frowned in disbelief," what?! No way" I protested, shaking my head side to side. There's no way I'm staying there. What would Powder think? Will she think I left her? Or that I died? No, I can't I need her.

" You'll do as I say" Silco spun around, walking past me he motioned to his men to get me out of here.

My eyes widened," what about training, I can't just stay indoors for the rest of my life, that's not fair!" I didn't care about training, I just needed some excuse to change his mind.

" You'll do it in your room, I'll order my man to train you, you'll be as good as them once you grow older" he stepped out of my sight and one of his men aggressively pushed me forward.

" Hurry the fuck up and walk".

Enemy (Jinx x Oc Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now