I promise

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Toni POV
5 hours later
I woke up sore as hell , Mari ass really did a number on me but thinking abt it all over again is making me wet . I slowly turned over see my baby knocked out with her arm still wrapped around my waist . I kissed her nose then her lips twice . I didn't wanna wake her so I got up quietly then grabbed my robe to see if the kids was up yet it was 7pm so if they are still sleep imma cry Bc Jesus all of our sleep schedule is finna be off. I put my slippers on limping to their room
And they were sitting watching encanto
Me - hey mommy's baby
Cj and ash - hey ma
Ash - come watsh (watch) it wit us
Cj - plzzzzz
I giggled gettting in bed with them
Me- how long have y'all been up
Cj - ummmm ash how long we be up
They both shrugged making me laugh
Me - y'all want some food
They nodded
Ash - pizza mama pizza
Me - okay babies
I order the pizza and instacarted some snack for this movie night .
Then set up the living room getting a huge tent for all of us . This is so much fun after this tho imma tell Mari that we need to separate a lil Bc I can admit everything is going fast ash but I don't mind I just don't want it to ruin for us in the future.
I heard a knock at the door I looked around for my wallet but before I could get to the door Mari ran down grabbing it and paying for the pizza .
Me- Thanks babyyy😘
M- you know it's no problem , can't let u open the door by ya self what if that was a crazy person babe😂
Me- ohhh HA HA HA
M- how does your legs feel baby
She sat the pizza on the counter walkin towards me
Me- soreee☹️
She came up from behind me massaging the inside of my thighs as I laid my head back on her chest trying not to moan,I was becoming wet Ik she feels it on her arm. I pulled away
Me- Jesus you gone make me jump on you again babe come on let's get the boys and pick a movie
M- ight ma 😂
She kissed my cheek then ran upstairs to get the boys ready .
Once she came back I had fast and the furious set for us all . We gonna watch the whole series together 😁
Ash-mommy can I way (lay) width you (with) u
Me- ofc my love come on
I love my baby ashh Ik he knows I'm not his mother but i loves how he trust me enough to call me his mother and blessed .
He crawled on my chest while Mari came into the tent laying down laying her head  in between my legs while cj laid on her chest
I love this whole image right here we started the movie . During the previews Mari grabbed my foot wrapping it around her shoulder then she started rubbing my feet and kissing my calf up to my knee
Me- babyyy this feels so good
The cj swatted my feet away and I giggled 😭😂
Cj - ewww mommy noooo feet on daddy
Ash -no no no
We busted out laughing
M- mommy feet hurt tho so I was making her feel better . We don't mommy feet to hurt
Ash - noooo daddy hurry hurry
Cj- sowwy mommy dadyyyy quickly quick
They jump off me and Mari putting both of my legs over her shoulder so she can massage my feet
Cj - we gonna go to our own tent
M- ouch or we too boring for u😭😂
Ash -  nooo we wanna play with toys
Once they left she finished rubbing my feet the turned on her stomach
M- I love you baby and the family that we are creating
T- I love you so much more but listen we need to talk.
She sat up giving me her full attention ..
T- do you think we are moving to fast
M- tbh Ik we are but idk how to stop it bc I love seeing you every sec of the day , I love being with cj I need to tell you something tho .
M- I used to be a drug lord .. that's why my sister passed, she got killed in a drive by shooting.
T- why tf am I just learning abt this so like fr .. do you really think I would put my child at risk
I slapped her upside the head .
M-baby I love that boy I do so much . I swear to god I while never let some lay a finger on you or your family. I have ppl watching u guys every day once I'm not around to make sure everyone is safe babe.
T- mari now I'm gonna have to think abt bc why why wouldn't you tell me
M- baby listen I got you okay plz believe me .
I would never let anyone harm you or my kids or our family do you understand me ?
T- baby you can't keep that promise and idk if can stay to see if you do
M- baby plz I'm begging you .. I need you guys I do
T- give me the night to think on it
I got up  going upstairs  getting back into the bed
I grabbed my bible bc once my mind is racing it's calms me . But rn it's not working I just can't stop thinking like what if something happens. What if I lose her ik she wouldn't like a thing happened to me or the kids but wth am I gonna do with out her . I know we haven't been together for years but ik she is my soul mate and with out her I won't be able to breathe . Scenarios of all the wrong things kept playing in my head and i broke down into tears crying and screaming into my pillow .
I stayed like that for two minutes and Mari walked in scared to death
M- baby what's going on
She rushed to my side scooping me up
T- Mari idk what's gonna happen , I can't live with out you and I won't
M-tone I'm not going no where I'm out of the game imma. It all loose ends next week . I'm having meeting with my team and everything
T- do you pro promise
M- I promise my love  no matter what I'll always make my way back home to you
I nodded pecking her lips
M- I got us baby I swear

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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