Discovery of power

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I blink awake slowly. I'm in the huge bed I've been sleeping in since I got here... it's way more than I need, but he insisted. I toss my legs over the side of the bed and sit up. Honestly a bed this big just reminds me that I'm sleeping alone.

Wait... Is that.. the point? Is he trying to say....

Never mind.

I look around the room. The bookshelves stand tall and full... the way I like them. I stand up and walk over to one. My eyes settle on a book I need to finish. I smile at it and move to the door of the room. I'll look more at the book later. I go out into the hallway. This place is so huge. I walk to the kitchen slash dining area. There's food already made as usual by the mansion staff... and an empty plate. I guess he's already eaten but only just recently, or his empty plate would have been taken for washing by now. I eat what's on the full plate and then go outside.

It's sunny, but there is also a bit of cloud cover so the sun occasionally gets hidden. The temperature is... if I had to guess, in the upper 60s, I'm not sure but it's not scorching and not cold, but rather nice-feeling. I look around the grounds, mainly at the trees; I know he climbs them a lot. A little ways out from the house I find him, in the branches of a tree as I suspected. I giggle aloud to get his attention and he looks at me. I wave and he waves back. I start to climb the same tree until I get to his level.

"Morning," I giggle a little.

"Morning," he answers, also giggling, and stretching.

"So what's happening today?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "It's kind of a free day for me."

"Wow. You don't get a lot of those." I say, looking thoughtful and remembering his usual busy schedule.

"I know," he giggles again.

We stay in the tree for a while, side by side, watching birds and nature happen around us. Branches at our level occasionally dance as breezes blow past. After a while I climb back down and wander the property grounds a little. He stays by the tree. The grounds are pretty wide, so there's a lot I still haven't even explored, but for now i go back to an area a little bit closer to the house so that I can go read my book later if I feel up to it.

I turn a corner around one of the trees closer to the house and suddenly stagger backwards. It felt like I hit something... but I don't see anything in front of me... what? I correct my posture upright once more and reach in front of me, moving slowly this time... sure enough, at a point not too far ahead, they hit something... something solid. Feels like... metal? I feel along what seems like a wall, find a button, and press it... and then it becomes visible. A huge, silver... spacecraft? It looks like a spacecraft. Where did it come from? How long has it been here? Does he know it's here?

I leave it visible as I go back to where he was sitting when I walked away. He's still there, and I clear my throat so he knows I need his attention. "... did you buy a spaceship or something?"

He looks at me and laughs, and then slowly stops and looks confused. "I-- What? You're serious? Not that I know of. Why?"

"Um... well, follow me..." I turn and start walking back the way I came from, pausing after a few steps to give him time to get down from the tree, and lead him back to what I found. He does exactly what I did, feeling along the wall trying to figure out what it might be made of. "...where did this come from?"

"...I have no idea whatsoever. I was hoping you knew," I laugh, and he shakes his head.

Curious, I go around to what seems like it should be the back and look for another button. I find one and it does exactly what I hoped; a ramp opens to the inside, similar to a cargo plane. I go inside and look around. Everything is very complex. There must be buttons for everything in here... I look around in all of the little compartments that I find until I eventually come across what looks like a manual. But as I flip through it, it's not in English. It's in a language I've never seen before. It almost looks like the Atlantean language used in Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire. But... It looks like there are some notes in English in the margins... I wonder who owned this thing, when they came, how they landed without him noticing. Whoever it was must have been on earth for quite a while to have picked up English of all languages. Why did they land here at our place?

Captian EO Prequel: Michael in space!Where stories live. Discover now