Chapter 12

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(Ok I couldn't keep my promise on the 3000 word chapter 🥲)

"SUN!" I cried out as a bunch of kids were dragging me into the play house behind me, it was like a horror movie getting dragged into the dark. Surprisingly yesterday's drinking didn't affect me as much as I thought it would, just a little throw up didn't hurt.

"SUN GET THESE DEMON CHILDREN OFF ME!" I bewailed again as they were shoving me into a slide that was not meant for my body type, i heard them all giggling at my pleas and cries for help

"SUN!!" I cried out one more time before they managed to shove me down the slide, I slowly slide down to the bottom of the very uncomfortable slide and i threw myself out, i landed on a slightly soft ground, i quickly army crawled threw a very cramped passage way

"Missy where are u?!" I heard a boy call out, i covered my mouth and looked up and saw him walking and searching for me, i continued crawling and searching for a way out

(Btw y/n is at the very bottom of the play ground like underneath the floor)

I kept on crawling and every time i moved forward i would slightly smash my boobs so that was very fun. I was crawling when i heard a child talking to sun

"We cant find missy anywhere!" she cried out, I tried seeing if i could find then an i did problem was they were practically next to me, i looked at sun and accidentally made eye contact, i whirled my head around and covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut, i was waiting to hear
There she is! But no he didn't say anything

"Go look around some more!" He cheered her off and quickly skipped away, he bent down to the ground and smiled

"How did you even get under the floor?" He asked clearly in awe

"I don't even remember myself" i smiled, sun started messing with the floor and suddenly pulled it up, i immediately got out and stretched

"Omg that was so cramped" sun chuckled and put the floor back in place

"You cant just patrol the daycare only" he said sarcastically as he stood up, i looked up at him and smiled
He smiled and walked off quickly as he heard a loud crash, i smiled and walked out to the main area near the stage, i usually just patrolled and made sure everything was doing fine and in order, i walked past the stage and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable

It was still so different without tony... he literally disappeared like no traces of him anywhere and even when i tried to find him something would not let me, like the computer...

I walked near the bar area and took post there making sure no drunks would try shooting the damn place up, i eventually heard a loud crash and quickly walked into the bar and saw 2 men fighting well arguing at that, i quickly realized that if i let this go on it would be very bad.

I stepped in between them and slightly pushed them back to make space

"Woah whats going on!" I asked the slightly drunk blond next to me

"He wont give me my fucking money!" He bewailed and slightly pushed into my arm, i slightly pushed him back

"I gave you your money you fucking nazi!" The other bewailed, i made a disgusted face at what the other guy just said, nazi?!

"FOR THE LAST TIME IM NOT A NAZI!" The blond yelled nearly in my ear

"OH YEAH YOUR BLOND,BLUE EYED, AND GERMAN!" The other yelled which caused a few laughs from the crowd watching

"Alright enough both of you if you don't settle this right now i will kick you both out!" I threatened, the both looked at me then back at each other

"No way! I need my MONEY" the blond complained once again, i sighed and looked at the other guy

"Cmon just give him the money and we can all walk away" i reasoned with him, he scoffed and looked at me

"I aint giving the fucker a single penny" he spat out, immediately the blond one punched him in the face literally almost knocking him out, i immediately pulled my hand cuffs out and put them on the blond

"Alright lets go!" I pushed him forward, the other guy nearly charged at the blond but i quickly pulled my taser out and tazed him, he fell to the ground and i looked at the bartender

"Watch him make sure he doesn't leave" the bartender nodded and jumped over to the guy on the ground, the whole entire time i was escorting the blond out he literally tried reasoning with me to not kick him out

"You cant do this I'm American!" I looked at him with confusion

"Ah shut up you shouldn't even be drinking!" I shot at him, he abruptly turned around and smiled

"Yes i can! Lady don't kick me out!" He tried reasoning with me as I nearly dragged him

"Cmon!" I complained as he fell to the ground, he layed there looking very pleased with himself

"God this job is gonna be the death of me" I mumbled to myself

"Get up!" I hissed, eventually by now there was people watching this whole shit show happening but not one of the assholes had bothered to help Which made me even more frustrated

"No!" He said and immediately stood up and grabbed a knife out his pocket, i somehow didn't notice he had undid the handcuffs and props to him for that i was genuinely impressed

"Put the knife down and no one gets hurt" i said in an omg this bullshit again tone, I slowly put my hand on my gun holster but didn't pull my gun out

"Don't kick me out miss" he spoke

"Cmon now this is a children's mall for Christ's sake you could quite frankly go to a fancy celebrity bar!" I said in annoyance

"No! I want this bar!" He burped, at this point he literally had to be blacked out drunk cause who in there right mind would go to THIS bar and want to stay?!

"Omg cmon dude " i heard someone in the crowd around us say

"How about this, if you leave right now i wont kick you out! You could come back tomorrow for Christ's sake just go home!" I reasoned with him, he slowly put the knife down as i said that

"Fine" he mumbled, i grabbed him wrist and we both walked out to the parking lot, i did the curtesy of getting him a uber since theres no shot he could drive. I waited outside an then finally the uber came.

I quickly went back inside and sighed loudly and rubbed my head

"This fucking job" I mumbled, by now most people have left with the exception of some people getting ready to leave, I walked over to the daycare to visit sun but there was a slight chance moon is out. I quietly went into the daycare and looked for moon until i heard someone talking, I quietly creeped over to where the noise was and looked

I saw moon talking to himself? I knew sun and moon where technically the same person but was moon talking to him?

"No sun she doesn't like you... or me in that matter she has her heart set out for that stupid reptile" moon hissed, i was taken back by that, i thought moon and Monty's relationship was getting better.... I slowly walked back from where i was and left the daycare

So they dont like monty... good to know.

I sighed and headed over to Monty's room, i knocked and waited for a response, the door slightly opened and i saw monty look at me and smile

"Hey y/n.."

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