A New Plan

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Avery POV

It's been a few days since we had come across the girl in the snow. I saw her in Pikoro village when I was getting some rations while Aaron was patrolling, I'm assuming she didn't notice me because she didn't try to attack me with questions and why we left her alone that night. Not that it was a bad thing. 'I wonder why she was here?'

When I returned to our base camp I saw Aaron taking down our makeshift tents. "What's going on?" He looked up at me before replying. "The wolf tribe that inhabits this area has been wiped out by O'Khasis guards, it's safe to assume that Zane was behind their sudden rise in population." 

I hummed. 'I guess that explains why there aren't any werewolves in the area anymore.' I sighed and pushed my hair back before I started to pack my supplies as well and we made sure to erase all signs that we were there. "Avery, while I make sure everything is ok here I need you to do something for me." I looked over at him and couldn't help but notice the seriousness in his voice, I stood up straight and turned to him. I nodded. "Of course. I'm at your service." 

Aaron stood up and faced me. "Zane keeps mentioning a village called Phoenix Drop, he's taken an interest in their lord and apparently he has a brother that lives there."

'I feel sorry for that guy...'

"I need you to go ahead and find a place to set up a new camp, while you're there make sure Zane doesn't do anything he would do. Make sure he doesn't find an opportunity to get what he wants. At the same time, don't let anyone see you." I nodded my head and threw my bag over my shoulder as we walked toward the beach. "Very well. What do you have in mind?" He pulled a map out of his bag before he led me towards the coast.


I placed my bag on the small sailboat he had docked along the shore and climbed aboard before I turned to him. "Are you sure this is the way you wanna play this?" He nodded. "Yes. I've already drawn where Phoenix Drop is on your map, try to lay low until I get there. Remember, keep Zane at bay, don't get caught." He handed me the map, I rolled it open and scanned over it. 

I nodded. "Right." He told me some smaller details and told me to stay vigilant. With that, he turned and vanished back into the wooded area around the beach as I punched the boat off the sand and sailed towards the village of Phoenix Drop. 'What could Zane want with their lord?' I shook off the thought as I went over the map again. 


After a bit of time on the water, I came across the land where Pheionex Drop was located according to the map. I found a place to make a camp after a bit of wandering the forest on the outskirts, it was close enough to keep an eye on the village but far enough so no one would see us. Since I had never been to Phoenix Drop I decided there would be no harm in walking around the village, I kept the top of my face covered so it was not like anyone would recognize me. 'I should probably get something to eat while I'm there if possible. The fruit I have is getting old and I can only handle canned food for so long.'

Admittedly I had jumped the wall to avoid interacting with the guards, and I ignored the confused and weird looks I got from the villagers. 'With how much Zane talks about this place, I'm surprised it has such a low population.' I stopped at a merchant stall after walking around for a bit, the residents seemed friendly despite the odd looks. "That's quite the get-up." I hummed and looked up at the merchant, he was tall and blonde. However, I could feel something off about him. 'A werewolf...? Here? How odd...' I gave him a calm smile. "I apologize if it bothers you, it tends to bother most." He kept a poker face, I could tell he was examining me. Seeing if he could trace a lie or see anything suspicious. 'He's cautious...he must have been at this for a while.'

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