Chicken Shaman

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Aphmau POV

After I found the feather we went to see the Chicken Shaman.....I was hoping I wouldn't have to see him again after what happened last time. At least this time I don't have to build him chicken houses.

Once we arrived I didn't want to go up to the door so I decided to call out to him. "Chicken Shaman! Are you here!" I could hear him going to the door before he opened it. "Who is-Oh, Laurence! Oh, it's been a while since I've last seen you Laurence. You are looking as Laurencey as ever." He started to walk towards us. 

'Is that even a word?'

"I'm glad to see you got rid of that stupid orange hair you thought was so hot at the time. It's nice to see you are looking as stupid as stupid Laurence should be."

'How many times does he plan on staying stupid...'

He looked at me and I could tell he was gonna say something but he noticed the masked woman that came with us.

"Oh, Hello Chicken protector."

She tensed. "I never said you can call me that." Her voice held an annoyed undertone.

I had to try not to laugh but I was a bit curious. "Chicken protector?" She sighed before she turned to me and explained. "When I came to visit I found him surrounded by wolves and decided to help. He started calling me that as a result. No matter what I said." I could tell she didn't like the nickname she was given, but then again it's hard to tell because of the black bandanna she wears around her eyes.

"Oh and you. The terrible chicken house builder I hired that one time."


"I'm not as happy to see you. Unless you've improved on your house building." I groaned.

'This is gonna be an interesting day...'

Avery POV

The entire conversation between the Chicken Shaman and Aphmau was about chicken houses, thankfully she was able to redirect the conversation. "We're here because someone's gone missing in Meteli...and we wanted to know if you've seen anything..." He started to think and mutter under his breath, he mentioned something about Cadenza being a chicken. 'How did that even happen...'

"We kinda wanted to know what you've been doing for the past three days."

"...I was making good homes for my people." He pulled out some kind of sword that looked like a chicken. 

'Here we go again...' 

I sighed as I let my thoughts consume me, I was more interested in what happened to Hayden. Though that came to a stop when I heard something I couldn't ignore. "-Sasha Shadow Knight slaughtered my people, ruthlessly and without discrimination as we both remember, you were their terrible builder I remember. I had a hard time getting my people's population up" My brows furrowed as I crossed my arms and looked at the ground. 'Sasha was here...but what reason would she have for coming to this place? And if she was seen how are those two still alive?'

It wasn't related to what had happened to Hayden but it was hard to ignore, any other Shadow Knight would have killed them both once they realized they had been found out. Sasha had a cunning nature so I was a bit on edge. 

"Sure Laurence we can talk, and the Chicken protector can come too." I felt my eye twitch. 'What is it with him and calling me that...' Normally I wouldn't care about someone else's opinion of me but this is insane. "It's been a while since I've done human talk with human people, you know how it goes. Come let's go inside, I've made a drink recently that we can try." I couldn't help but feel bad for Aphmau, in the end she still has to build a chicken house.

Once inside he brought a chair for Laurence, I decided to stand to the side. As they started talking I heard Aphmau call from outside after a minute. The chicken Shaman seemed annoyed but went to see what she wanted anyway. Once he was gone it was a bit awkward as me and Laurance were alone in silence. "Hey, are you sure you're ok with this...?" I turned to Laurance when I heard him speak up. 

"Hm?" I quirked a brow and turned to him.

"I know a lot of people get annoyed by Castor because of his...interesting qualities...."

I could tell he had a hard time phrasing the last part of his sentence, and for a second I felt the corner of my mouth twitch in amusement. I took a deep breath before I looked at the ground, I stared at the floor as I spoke. "I can see why people think that. It's human nature to judge something based on what it looks like at first glance. I can tell he has the best intentions, but he's often misjudged." He went quiet for a minute before he asked me a question.

"Why do you wear that over your eyes?" I wasn't expecting him to ask me that so I was a bit surprised, I turned to him again. He was staring at me, his expression was calm but a bit firm. We stared at each other for a moment before I looked back at the floor, I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. I took a deep breath before I exhaled. 

"...Some say eyes are the windows to a person's soul, this is the reason why a Shadows Knight's eyes are cursed a crimson red when they gain immortality. I've seen things I wish I could forget along with things I wish I could I did this to conceal. It's a coping mechanism."

I kept my head down and my arms crossed as I leaned against the wall. "Why-" Laurance stopped his sentence when the door swung open. The Chicken Shaman walked back to his seat and turned to Laurance. "Ok I'm finally back, the terrible chicken housebuilder was doing a terrible job."

'Irene bless you Lady Aphmau...'

Timeskip to later that day

It was dark out by the time we were done talking to him. "You ok? You seem annoyed."

"He used that nickname more than I had the tolerance for." I heard the slight growl in my voice when I spoke and my eye twitched under the bandanna, it couldn't really be helped at this point. I heard him laugh and I turned my head in his direction.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't expect to hear that come from you. You seem really calm and collected." I huff at his comment. 'I feel like A child.' I noticed Aphmau sleeping by the river, then again I don't blame her we took forever. "Glad to see she's doing well." I sighed as I brushed some of my hair back.

I heard Laurence snicker next to me, I would glare at him but he wouldn't see it through the bandanna. He cleared his throat and looked at me, a calm smile on his face. "Yeah well, since she's asleep can you help me set up a camp? I think someone is trying to frame Castor and Lady Aphmau is asleep."

I nodded. "I don't see why not."

We set up camp next to the Chicken shaman's house, once we set up Laurence carried Aphmau under the tent. Being the stubborn person that I am, slept under another tree, I wasn't comfortable with sharing a tent with people I barely knew. I pulled my hood over my head and closed my eyes as I leaned against the tree trunk. 

...In the Morning...

I had woken up earlier than the other two but even though I was half asleep I could feel something was different. I couldn't feel the tree trunk being me or near me, and I was lying down. I lightly groaned as I sat up and looked around, I was in between Aphmau and Laurence. 'How did I get here? Did I move here last night? Or did someone move me?' Once the drowsiness cleared enough I noticed my jacket was over me like a blanket and my bandanna had moved while I was laying down, making some aspects of my face visible.

I quickly fixed it before the others woke up, it was barely dawn so I decided to sit along the river bank and wait for the other two to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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