Suppresents pt.2

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Hanji was gone as quickly as she had arrived.The herbs she had mixed were soothing at best, but they made it bearable to leave my nest,getting dressed of corse, before following her out of my hut. I followed her quietly allowing myself to tune out everything, I only snapped out of it when I hit her back. She turned excitedly after a few seconds of talking with another strange male, a beta from what I could smell. " Y/n," she chanted " Can you remember anything from the past few hours?" Looking up at her I shook my head, "no I was tuned out with the omega thing," I shiver lightly thinking of all the males who saw my body before my head flashed to the Alpha who smelled so nice. Hanji huffed turning back towards the male and repeating that before screeching at him to let us get back to a safe area, when he finally gave in she started walking just as quickly as before, I went to follow her only slightly hearing the male say " I'm Eren by the way."
As I followed Hanji I caught whiff of my packs omegas and before my head could catch myself I was already with them. Hanji arrived a few seconds later before pulling the 'lead' female to the side talking in a hushed tone. My friend Christa and Ymir were huddled together, Ymir being more towards the front in a stance ready to protect her mate and I. It had always been like this whenever Christa felt any type of fear, besides anticipation though, Ymir always wanted the two of us safe cause we had all been raised together. When he entered Ymir growled lowly at him, I relaxed into Christa attempting to hide in between her and Ymir's shadow, unsuccessfully of course, as he walked towards us with a seemingly angry face. Ymir was a Alpha female and all she could see in this moment was a hostile looking male approaching her, her mate, and her close omega friend, and she stood quickly blocking him from Christa and I. He looked at her chuckling at her stance, "if you think you could stop me from reaching them your mistaken," he did however raise his hands upwards, " I mean you or your family no harm, I only want the unmated omega trying to hide in the blondes breast." Again my feet moved before my head could register it, and before I knew it he was lifting me over his shoulder
I updated y'all, I hope you enjoyed.
Please leave me how you feel so far and any suggestions or criticism, it's much appreciated-<3

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