Chapter 2 :

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Dan's POV –

Oh shit. NO PLEASE.

I stared at the familiar yet annoying face of my ex girlfriend.

I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. What is Leah thinking?

"Dan sweetie! I haven't seen you in like forever!" Laura squealed, jumping into my arms and giving me a kiss on my cheek.

tiiasemgpiwaogj what is she doing?!

"Who is this?" she said, shooting a dirty look at Leah, "Is she your girlfriend?"

"No! No, I'm not." Leah answered a bit too quickly.

I scratched the back of my neck. WOW THIS IS SO AWKWARD.

"Actually, Laura. We're kind of in a hurry."

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Uhh ... Starbucks ..."

"Oh goodie! I'm in the mood for an iced coffee!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the lobby.

I looked behind me, giving Leah a confused and scared look. She just trailed behind us until we got there.

We all ordered our drinks and took a seat by the windows. Laura and I got an iced coffee and Leah got a frappuccino.

"You know, you should lay off the frappuccinos. They're fattening." Laura shot at Leah.

Leah rolled her eyes and gave her a "who do you think you are?" look.

"Thanks for your concern, but I think I'll be fine." Leah giving a sarcastic smile.

We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes, Laura broke the silence.

"So Dan, remember when we went to Ibiza together?"

"Uhh ... yeah?" I said slowly.

"I really miss that. We should go again sometime." She smirked as she stroked my arm

I turned my head and stared at Leah. She was staring out the window but you could obviously tell that she felt so awkward.

"Hey uh. I think I'm going t-to go now. Um ... It was nice to uh meet you .. Laura ..." Leah said, "I'll see you later, Dan. Bye" she sweetly smiled.

I watched her leave through the door, the way her hair lightly bounced up and down.


I unlocked my phone and saw a text from Leah.

Hey, it was really nice to see you. Hopefully I'll see you at the SITC party tonight? : ) xxx

I smiled at my phone, even though Laura basically ruined my date with Leah. Wait, did I just say date?! No, it wasn't a date. Just hanging out with a fellow Youtuber. Right?


I finally got back to the hotel; Phil was on his laptop, editing his daily vlog.

"Hey! How'd it go?" Phil smiled.

"TERRIBLE. Guess who showed up?"

"...Who?" he asked.


"Oooh. What happened? What did she do?" Phil asked, he knew about my past relationship with her and it was bad.

"She tagged along with us. And basically insulted Leah."

"Ooh. That's tough mate." He said.

"Whatever. I'm going to take a shower." I said, changing out of my clothes.

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