Imminent Death (But Not Really)

307 6 4

Word Count: 2,535

Fandom: The Octonauts


The Octonauts were always rushing off to the aid of some poor creature in need of assistance. Because of this, they all needed to stay in optimal condition and health. Though, with all the running here and there, and the saving and the adventures, more than a few injuries would add up at some point.

Nothing too serious when by itself, but a snag on sharp edges a couple times too much, a snip from some jaws a bit too often, one too many crashes in the gups; It all eventually added up.

They all knew that. Often it was just an empty thought in the back of their heads, I'll do that later was usually how it went.

Like everything though, the numbers did catch up with them. So much so, that the main headquarters had found themselves inclined to contact Barnacles's division about it.

Now they ended up assembled in the HQ for instructions, chattering in muddled confusion as Peso trembled anxiously at the podium. He cleared his throat, gathering the attention of a few crew members, though not loud enough to signal everyone.

Barnacles coughed, gently sweeping his eyes over the team as they calmed their eagerness.

"If you would all please give your attention," He had started, gesturing with one big white furry paw to his medic, "Peso has a very important announcement to make."

He fumbled carefully with the documents gripped between his flippers.

"It has been brought to our attention," Peso stuttered, "That due to escalated health & safety concerns, the precedent of the matter will warrant a temporary foreclosure to Octonauts' division #B10-33." He gulped, looking back to the group as he nervously sweat.

"Yow! They're shutting us down!?" Kwazii hollered just in time for more worried mumbles to break out.

"No no!" Barnacles waved frantically, "It's all just temporary until we get this sorted out." he repeated the word temporary explicitly.

Luckily, many of them began to calm down. Now, with their eyes returned, Peso continued.

"The easiest way to get ourselves back into service and saving animals is by getting a checkup and, most importantly, vaccinated!"

The other animals sighed in relief. That was it? Certainly, that could be an easy fix, save for a few qualms from the semi-panicked crewmates.

Kwazii, of course, was the first to cut in about it.

"Seems silly to cease activity over little ol' that, innit?" He purred, swishing through the crowd to meet Peso at the front. Like it was one-on-one, just them.

"Kwazii," The packet of paper flipped a couple of times for him to pull up a number, "'Little ol' that' is twenty-six missed Tdaps and boosters, along with updated code enforced vaccine protocols."

Kwazii shied away, seeming to shrink a considerable amount compared to his typical boisterous self. No one really noticed enough though and chalked it up to Kwazii not having a decent enough quip to dish back. Which was rare, but, it did happen at times.

But, now that the sudden panic and serious announcements had been dealt with, it was time to prep for the actual procedure of what was at hand.

Tidily, they set up two small booths and a couple of chairs for the Octonauts and Vegimals to wait in. At first, Peso wasn't quite sure what they would be administering to their huggable veggie companions, but Shellington was quick to keep his mind from wandering too far, presenting a documentation of specified vaccines for each of them. As it turned out, Shellington too had a medical license (Although chose not to pursue it in light of his anxious habits) and could work in a pinch like this if needed. It was really only the emergencies that freaked him out, anyhow.

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