brings back memories

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i finish feeding shroud when someone bangs on my door... i get out my sword and open it only to see sam... "uh, tommy it's just me put the sword down...", sam says hands up showing no harm. "sorry, never know weather it'll be someone who wants to kill me or a friend heh", i say to lighten the mood but he just stares with pity....

"anyway why have you come to visit? also if this is about me turning sam nook back on and getting him off the charging station he's fully charged and i needed the help so-", sam hugs me...? "tommy, it's ok not to be ok... and what your going through isn't normal nor is it something you should have to go through...", he says and i hold back tears.... 

he lets go of the hug but i fail and some tears come down.. but maybe if i keep my smile and look happy he won't notice....? he looks over and at my face, he noticed... "tommy, your crying... and you don't have to smile for me, i understand your going through a lot...", at this i break into his arms.

i wipe my tears and calm down and sam smiles. "so um why did you come here again?", i asked.. "well you se-".... sam pauses noticing the floor being patched up badly.... "um tommy?", i panic knowing he told me to tell him if dream tried anything.... before i can say or do anything he jumps down and i hear him put a disc in... 

i go on my knees and cover my ears not wanting to hear that disc again..... i sit there and panic and realize i am having a panic attack and panic more... "tommy?! tommy?!", i look up to see sam next to me worried... 

"tommy what the f*ck was that?!", he yells making me flinch... he notices the flinch and calms down. "tommy, from what i see you just had a panic attack and haven't been telling me that dream has being doing this messed up sh*t to you!", he says not yelling but still loud... 

"pack your things.", sam says like an order... "w-wha-", i sat but he interrupts. "i said pack your things, everything you need or care about and if you need to use ur ender chest and i can carry some things too.". then he leaves waiting outside the door...

i have no idea what just happened but last time sam got mad he killed ranboo... so i guess i'll do as he says for now... 


i wait outside rubbing my forehead stressed. my g0d that boy... a little bit later he comes out with a backpack , a sachel, his belt full of things, and a big box in his hand... i pick up the box and see his face.... he looks... afraid? "ok, follow me, let's go...", at this he follows till we get to the beach and he seas a boat and freezes his eyes looking as if he saw a dead man or h3ll itself.....

"n-no not again p-please.... i-i i'm sorry p-please..." he starts saying over and over mumbling apologies and begs while backing up i take his things and put them in the boat but he just stares at it... 

"get in tommy." i say only seeing him ready to run for it... i grab his arm right as he goes to run... "n-no! p-please!', he cries out trying to escape my grip. "tommy?! it's ok!", he doesn't listen and continues until i sit him in the boat and he keeps trying to jump out and swim back until no land is in sight... 

the whole time he is mumbling to himself in the back shaking... eventually we get to my island home and the boat hits land... 

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