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*in the morning*

I wake up to Oliver screaming his head off at me.i opened my eyes.

Oliver- y/nn!!!!!!! I'm hosting a party tomorrow for Halloween!!!

Y/n- shut the fuck up for god sakes!! Geez...

I said while closing my eyes again.

Then i heard some stompings and few seconds later he barged in my room.

Oliver- i need your help.

He said while watching over me and starting to shake my shoulder.

Y/n- get out Oliver, what time is it?

Oliver- probably 7a.m.

Y/n- stop shaking my shoulder.

Oliver- I'm not going to stop until you say you're going to help me.

Y/n- with what?

Oliver- i need you to decorate the house and ask lexy out.

Y/n- oh no no no no no no. I'm not decorating the house by myself, it's not even my party, get a life lexy has a boyfriend.

Oliver- so you agree! Yayyy! Thanks!

He said running out



Y/n- SON OF A-

Oliver- don't you dare to cuss at me!! I'm going to tell mom!

I started dressing up. Few minutes later i went downstairs with my little bag which was expensive.

Oliver- y/n lexy is over.

He said with lexy standing beside him while i walked past them. I stopped and turned around. They were both staring at me.

Y/n- what are you looking at? Fuck you.

I said to oliver. I turned to lexy.

Y/n- oh fuck you too and go ahead tell mom.

I said walking out. I'm just going to train my anger off. I started jogging in the woods until i found a perfect spot.
I'm going to try a hand stand but with one hand.

Y/n- ok y/n, you got this...

I said while standing up on my hands.

Y/n- relax... Relax...

I whispered to myself while slowly sliding one hand out so i could stand on one hand.

Y/n- that's it... Just... Relax... Rela-

?- y/n?!

Y/n- ohh!! Shit!

I yelled as i lost my balance and fell on my back.

Junior- you were standing on one hand! That's awesome!

Y/n- yea until you ruined my relaxation moment.

Junior- sorry about that, what are you doing here?

Y/n- just getting ready for my competition for tomorrow.

Junior- cool, can i come?

Y/n- well no one is coming so i guess you can. Why are you here?

Junior- I'm on a run.

Y/n- ok. You can join me if you want.

Junior- sure. So what are we doing?

Y/n- I'm going to teach you how to hand stand.

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