Chapter 4~ Accepted or not?

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~Itachi's POV

I sat on the living room couch watching Kisame argue with Hidan over something trivial. I was bored out of my mind. I heard the hidden entrance open and looked up to see Tobi and Deidara. Only usually Deidara doesn't have a cat laying on his head.

Apparently Kisame noticed the cat as well. "Deidara, why do you have a cat on your head? If you're going to blow it up, Leader-sama said you have to do that outside."

"I'm not gonna blow it up, un. We're gonna ask Leader-sama if we can keep it."

"I expected this from Tobi, but not from you Deidara. What's so special about this cat?" Kisame asked with a curious look towards the black, pink eyed cat. Deidara shrugged.

"That's for me, Tobi, Leader, and possibly Konan to know and for you to find out." Deidara walked away without another word and Tobi followed, meowing like a cat for some reason.

We sat for a minute or so, until Hidan broke the silence.

"Why the fuck was there a cat on Deidara's head?"

~Noroi's POV

I sat on Deidara's head playing with his ponytail. We were heading to see the leader, but so far we have been walking down seemingly endless hallways. I had just learned how to retract my claws, so i have been ripping Deidara's ponytail little by little. He does not know yet.

Eventually we stopped at a dark door with the kanji for ' Leader's office' written ominously white paint. Before Deidara could knock, Tobi banged on the door with 2 fists screaming meows. Suddenly a kunai peirced through the door, very close to Tobi's head. For some reason, Tobi saw this as a 'Welcome! Come on in!!'

Tobi burst through the door as Deidara (and I) followed normally. At a desk in the back of the room, I saw a orange haired man with many peircings and cool spiralish gray eyes. He looked at Tobi with a very unamused look. Behind him was a blue haired lady.

"Leader-sama!! How's it been? I hope your holiday weekend sure suited you well! I think black looks really good on you!-" Deidara punched Tobi on the head and gave Leader-sama a bow and a short hello.

Leader spoke with a dark voice. "Just what do you imbeciles want? I have very important things to be doing." Leader seemed to barely notice me (IM A NINJA o.o) and gave Deidara and Tobi annoyed looks. "Why is there a cat on Deidara's head?" Never mind I'm not a ninja.

"That's what we were gonna talk to you about!! We were wondering if we could keep it!!"

"Why would we keep a cat?"

"Not a cat. THIS CAT!! This cat has some weird power!" Tobi did a jazz hands gesture towards me.

"Really. Now what does it do then?" Leader spoke in a not-amused tone. Tobi looked to me.

"Ok kitty!! Do your thing!!" I looked around and saw that my only victims were either Deidara or Tobi. Since i just started to get along with Deidara, I chose Tobi.

I did the same thing as earlier on Tobi. I pointed my paw at his leg. And since he was wearing capris, you could see the bottom part of his legs turn a gross looking purple. Then he collapsed.

I noticed a slight raise of Leader's eyebrow. He looked to Deidara swiftly. "Do you know what she did?"

"No sir."

"Alright. Leave the cat here and go get Itachi." Deidara hesitated a little, but placed me on Leader's desk and left nontheless.

Leader looked at me with a slightly intrigued look. The blue haired lady walked towards me and picked my up.

"You're so cute!!" She squeezed me into her chest and looked to Leader. "Pein can we please keep her?"

'Pein' looked toward the door as we heard footsteps approaching.

"First i want to see exactly what it did."

The blue haired lady pouted, but put me back on the table. A sew seconds later, Deidara and a black haired, red eyed teen walked into the room.

"Good. Itachi, since i know you have knowledge in the medical field, can you tell us exactly what hapened to Tobi's leg?"

Itachi nodded and looked at Tobi's leg. He lightly kicked Tobi's leg.

"The circulation of blood to his leg was cut off."

Heh. It really was that simple all along. Smart person powers!

"Do you have any idea how?"

"No. It looks like the blood in his leg just stopped suddenly."

Leader-sama looked at me. "Did you stop the blood?"

I nodded. I had to stop myself from giggling when I realized this criminal leader was speaking to a cat.

Leader-sighed. "I guess it can stay then. As long as it can protect the base when no ones here."

Tobi yelled from the floor. "YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Deidara gave a small smile.

The blue-haired lady picked me up and hugged me.

"I'm Konan and i'm gonna be your new mommy okay?" I mewed and she twirled me around, giggling about how cute a kitten i was.

I sweat dropped. I hate being a kitten. I can't talk and tell this lady I'm getting a headache from all this spinning.

I let out a small sigh and looked to Itachi. He was watching me suspiciously. Great. A reasonably smart person. Maybe he can help me turn back to normal. Or maybe at least feed me. That'd be nice.

I struggled and tried to get out of Konan's arms. I can't breathe!!

"Hold on! We still have to introduce you to everybody!~"



Yay!!! End of the fourth chapter!! Sorry if it sucked :(





Buy a kitten and name it after me! xD

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