Engagement ring (some his pov)

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When you were little, you'd always wanted a ring like your mother's. Her ring was a thin, plain silver band with three diamonds in the centre, the one in the middle slightly bigger than the other two. But now you were ten years on from that, and you could see a few things that you would have different if it was you. When Perrie and Zayn got engaged, you couldn't help but be jealous over the fact that Perrie practically had your dream engagement ring. Harry watched how you gushed over how beautiful the ring is with Perrie and nearly asked Zayn to help him find the ring, but he wanted it to be a surprise so he decided against it. He did, however, ask El for help. El had been your best friend since before she'd even met Louis, and she had a visual in her head of the perfect ring for you. When Harry had actually proposed, you hadn't had much time to look at the ring but here you were, on Christmas Day, looking closely over it. Harry really had found you the perfect ring. The diamonds were rounded rather than squares and the band was made up of a silver band filled with tiny gems; just how you'd always imagined it.


"Mum, we have some news!" You called as you entered the house. "Babe, they already know," Niall quickly interrupted. When you frowned, Niall elaborated. "I asked them for permission," he laughed. "Well, check you out, what a true gentleman you are," you teased. "Shut up," he rolled his eyes playfully as his cheeks began to redden slightly. "Let me see, let me see," your mum came rushing into the room and grabbed your hand. "Mum, I think you might be more excited than me," you laughed. "Oh, it's beautiful," she smiled, moving your hand from side to side as it hit the light. "It is, isn't it?" "I'm so happy for you and Niall, Y/N," your mum wrapped her arms around you, "I just can't believe that my baby is getting married." "Mum, if you cry," you warned jokingly. "Sorry, sorry. Let's get started, we have a wedding to plan."


Liam knew how much you loved vintage and when he told his mum that he was going to propose, she gave him the perfect ring. When his grandmother had died, she had left her engagement ring to Liam, for him to give to the girl he loved. He hadn't even known that the ring was left to him so the thought never came to his head. Admittedly, the ring did look very similar to Bella's ring in Twilight. Those films just so happened to be your absolute favourite. It made Liam laugh at the coincidence and he had to stop himself from blurting it out every time you made him watch the films. From then on, you did tease Liam about the ring - saying that this was his way of coming out as a vampire to you. And you did love the ring dearly, smiling down at your finger if it ever caught your eye. The ring made you want to watch the film even more and it made you notice more small things that you loved about the Cullen wedding. In fact, the two of you ended up stealing many ideas for your wedding from the films.

Zayn (his pov):

"I don't know, Don, it's just not very Y/N," I sighed. "Zayn, there must be something you like in here," my sister looked back over at me, "What about this one? It's almost the same as how she described." "No, it's the wrong colour," I shook my head stubbornly. "Come on, Z, we've been looking every day this week." "I'm sorry, I'll take you back to mine and I'll come back out and continue looking," I scratched the back of my neck. "No, it's fine, I said I'd help you find the ring and that's exactly what I'm going to do," she smiled, "Have you ever thought that you might be looking for the wrong thing?" "I just really wanted to be able to get this one ring," I sighed. She groaned before going over to look at another ring. "Zayn, come over here," she called. I walked over and looked to see what she was pointing out. It was really pretty and it was almost exactly the same as what I wanted it to be. "It's perfect, Z," Doniya whispered. I nodded and called over someone who worked at the shop.


Louis always made it very clear to everyone else that you were his. So when he went out to buy the ring for you, he made sure that he brought the biggest in the shop. He figured that a ring on your finger would matter more than a few love bites on your neck. After taking credit for a couple of days, he finally admitted that it was actually Lottie that picked it out. At first, you kept thinking back to the price of the ring but then you realised that the more you thought about it, the more it stressed you out. And even if Louis did agree to exchange the ring for something smaller and less expensive, you weren't prepared to say goodbye to this ring anytime soon. "I'll never forget today," Louis had said to you as you were cuddled up together one night. "Neither will I," you rolled your eyes in response, "This ring will remind me of the day that you forgot our three-year anniversary." "I didn't forget," he nudged you with his shoulder, "But you like it, right?" "I love it, Lou," you smiled and pressed your lips to his.

*A/N again, there are pictures on my tumblr. I'll post the link in the comments :)*

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