Chapter 10

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Harry was seriously considering running from the Burrow and leaving the whole mess behind him. Unfortunately, seeing as bolting wasn't really an option, he began to slowly make his way back towards the Weasley's home. He released a deep sigh of resignation and idly thrust his hands into his pockets. Something brushed against his fingers.

Curiously, he removed the contents of his pocket. The object in question was the folded note Ron had tossed to him earlier in the day. He stared at it thoughtfully for a moment. Honestly, he'd completely forgotten about it. Before, he'd had no real interest in reading it whatsoever, but the way things had transpired over the past few hours had suddenly made its message much more lucrative. Harry felt he could really use some affirmation at the moment and something told him everything he needed would be written here. It seemed like a ridiculous thought, but at the moment it was pretty much all he had to go on. He slipped a shaky finger under the first fold and then the second and the third until the paper was open to its full size.

For a moment, Harry stared at the paper without really seeing anything. Then slowly the scrawled, severe handwriting began to form words before his eyes.

Ladies and Gentlemen - It takes a strong, intelligent man to realize his dreams and achieve his goals in life and love. A man that is not afraid to live life to its fullest and embrace what is truly important; a man with above-average looks and a charming personality. But enough about me...

Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a smile from crawling across his face.

The reason we are all here today is to celebrate a very unique, very rare kind of magic; a magic that surpasses Potions and Spells and Incantations. It is Love that I speak about – the exception to all the rules and answer to all the unknowns.

If anyone had told me I'd end up being best mates with the famous Harry Potter, I'd say you were mental. If anyone had said he'd end up being a part of my family, well, I would have directed you to St. Mungos. But, here we are, after quite a long and eventful road and I can sincerely say, I'd believe just about anything nowadays. Some of you have watched us grow up. Some of you are new friends. Some of you, who we miss so dearly, are looking down on us proudly. It is only because of all of you that we are able to celebrate anything today.

I know I'm supposed to say something deep and profound about love now, but I don't know if I could possibly do it justice. I've watched something truly beautiful blossom between these two. Apart, they were a force - together they are absolutely unstoppable. They compliment each other in ways far beyond the realm of magic - something that has been apparent to me for many, many years. They have saved each other in ways fit for fairy tales, overcoming insurmountable odds to prove that goodness and love really are triumphant over all. They have taught me the importance of patience and compassion and compromise. And, in real, unending love – forgiveness can light the way for what is truly meant to be. Love is not about settling or taking the easy road – it is about fighting for what you believe in and risking everything because without that person, you'd have nothing. The complete joy and awe they bring into each others lives is truly enviable and I can only hope that one day, I find as perfect a match.

So, now, I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to two of the most important people in my life.

Can you imagine anyone more in love?

And then the words stopped.

Harry turned the paper over in his hand, even though he knew the other side was blank. He sighed with exasperation. What was the point of this? Why had Ron been so vehement about having Harry read it? Then, something in his head seemed to click. He re-read the scrawled writing, slowly. This time, the meaning was clear. Ron wasn't describing him and Ginny. In fact, Ginny wasn't mentioned at all. Harry had become an honorary member of the Weasley family long before his proposal to the clan's youngest female. No…this wasn't about him and Ginny at all. Ron was describing him and Hermione.

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