Chapter 11

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Harry rounded the side of the Burrow, letting his eyes sweep the garden. Many guests had begun making their way outside, some taking seats before the altar; others standing around chatting. He searched quickly, glazing over the browns and blondes until his sight settled on a particularly lanky red-head. Harry strode across the grass, wordlessly grabbing Ron by the arm and dragged him into the nearby tent where the reception was to be held later on. Once behind its white canvas walls, Harry released his friend and ran two, tightly clenched fits through his hair.

Ron watched blankly as Harry paced around the tent, clearly agitated. After a few moments, with a pathetic moan, Harry stopped moving. He faced Ron and swallowed hard.

"What is this?" Harry asked through clenched teeth, pulling the folded paper out of his pocket.

Ron feigned a look of surprise.

"My speech? You found my speech? Was it with my flask by any chance?"

Harry was clearly not amused. He threw the paper at Ron's feet with a huff and crossed his arms.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Ron. Not now. Why did you give it to me? Why did you want me to read it?"

Ron seemed to be considering his response carefully. He scratched his neck nervously and cocked an eyebrow.

"So you read it?"

Harry glared at his friend, throwing his arms into the air with exasperation.

"Yes I read it! You told me to read it, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but how often do you actually do something just because I tell you too?" Ron quipped.

Harry rolled his eyes, but had to admit Ron was right. It had been his curiosity not Ron's prompting that had led him to read the speech. He deflated a bit.

"Ron, I just don't know what's going on here. The timing… I mean, this morning… I never imagined…"

Ron sighed and reached an arm out to Harry's shoulder.

"Have things ever been easy?" he asked, quietly, giving his best mate a shake.

Harry stared at the ground.

"Besides, easy rarely means better," Ron added, tilting his head.

"How do I know if I'm making the right choice?" Harry asked sadly, kicking idly at a clump of grass.

"Harry, you of all people know that you don't. Usually, you just go with the one that makes the least sense, because if the reasons for it even being an option aren't obvious, there has got to be something much, much deeper there. I don't know what kind of epiphany you got from my speech and I'm going to say I have no idea what kind of decision you're struggling with, but whatever it is, I know you'll do what's best. Except, this time, for Merlin's sake Harry, do what's best for you…not everyone else."

Again, Ron was right andhe'd said all he possibly could. Ron couldn't openly choose a side - he simply had too much invested in the situation. He was Harry's best man, Ginny's brother and Hermione's best friend. Admittedly, the guy could be a bit slow at times, but he wasn't completely off his block.

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