☆Chapter 13: Conversations with Baekhyun

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Baekhyun's POV

I rode a bus and after I reached my home, I quickly went through my room and I locked it. Hmmmmm what shall I do? Should I text Mi Yeon?

Then I tooked out my phone and I texted her.

To: Mi Yeon

Hi Mi Yeon! This is Baekhyun... :)

Then after a few seconds, she texted back.

To: Me

Oh hi Baekhyun! :)

To: Mi Yeon

Uhmm suppp how are you?

To: Me

I'm not in the mood today...

To: Mi Yeon

Why? Is it because of the kidnapper before? Don't worry its already done... Forget about it... :)

To: Me

No its not about that. Uhmm Baekhyun can I ask something?

To: Mi Yeon

Sure. What is it?

To: Me

What does it feels when your in love with someone and that person can't love you back because he already loved someone? What does it feels?

To: Mi Yeon

Of course it hurts. Why? Did that happened to you?

To: Me

No. By the way thanks for being a friend. So friends?

To: Mi Yeon


To: Me

Yey! Thanks! Goodnight I'm going to sleep now... :)

To: Mi Yeon

Goodnight too... Have a nice dreams... :)

Then she didn't texted back then I layed down to the bed and I went to sleep. Its time to go to the DreamLand...

Sorry for the short updateeee

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