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Lyria did her best to explain everything that had occurred while Azura was unconscious. Still there were a few gaps in the explanation as the teen had returned an hour or so after the army had returned for the battle.

As Lyria explained Azura finally forced herself to examine the scar on her, which she had realized spread all the way to her chest and half way up her neck. As she examined the scar she reached up, tracing the scar she could not see up her neck. She stopped her tracing, suddenly reaching up and grabbing her hair, realizing it was much shorter than before. The scholar ran her fingers through her hair, it was longer then Patrick's but seemed to be a bit shorter than Rain's.

Azura pulled some hair to her forehead, slightly disappointed to see it was still in fact blue. "Oh- and the lighting kinda burned your hair so they had to cut it off" Lyria said sheepishly, smiling awkwardly.

"I see..." Azura ran her hand through her hair, letting Lyria continue to tell her about her patrol.

"And me and my patrol found a white little Endermen!" Lyria exclaimed, her face forming a half-hearted smile.


"Yes Ma'am! I can go get him if you want he's just in the next room- Sire!" Lyria jumped, quickly saluting her superior, making her captain giggle.

Azura slowly sat up, the scout rushed over to her laying her hand on her back. She moved her pillow up for support. After giving her apprentice a grateful smile, she turned to see the General and Hilda standing a few feet away from the bed Azura laid in. Patrick had his helm covering his face, but Azura did not need to guess that he was looking at her.

"I was just telling Lady Azura about what had happened after she had passed out and about that Endermen we found! Have you met him yet, M'Lord?" Lyria asked the Grandmaster, inclining her head.

"No I have no young one... why do you not go get them for myself and Lady Azura to meet them," Patrick asked, gesturing to the door with his hand.

Lyria nodded excitedly and ran over to the door, stopping at the opening and turned back. "Commander, could you help me?" Hilda looked between Patrick and Azura then nodded her head and followed the scout.

Azura watched them leave, and she quickly realized that she and Patrick were alone. The handful of other patients had seemed to be removed from the room before Patrick and Hilda had entered.

"Lady Azura, I am quite relieved that you woke up," Patrick said, taking a seat next to her hospital bed.

"As am I Sire, but I am also relieved that you are okay" Azura scanned the General for any signs of wounds on him. "You should take your armor off to get it repaired..." She muttered looking at the dents on the metal.

"I'm alright Azura, I fortunately came out of the battle mostly unharmed. I will get it fixed" Patrick said with a sigh, looking down at his chest plate where most of the dents were.

Azura stared at the General for a moment, before she leaned over her bed forcing her arm to reach him. Patrick watched her unsure of what she was doing, but not attempting to stop her. She placed her hand on his chest, she pressed her palm down hard onto his chest until she heard that familiar click. Patrick's helm quickly folded back into his armor.

"There you are," Azura smiled up at him, leaving her hand on his chest. The mismatched eyes met her own, staring at her surprised for a few seconds before he grabbed her hand. He guided her hand up to his face and kissed the palm of her hand then leaned into her hand, closing his eyes, relieved to feel her touch again.

"Why were you sorry?" Patrick whispered, opening his indigo-blue eye to look at her.

"What do you mean?" Azura tilted her head looking at him confused, subconsciously rubbing his cheek as she watched him.

"When you awoke when we were returning to Frostbourne, you said you were sorry" Patrick explained, looking at her with a tender gaze.

She hesitated, looking away from her Grandmaster. "I...I was sorry I couldn't have done anything else to help you..." Azura whispered, eventually.

"Azura..." the door swung open, interrupting and spooking both the General and his scholar.

Azura quickly pulled her away from Patrick, while Patrick jumped back to his feet. Lyria walked into the room, looking at the two confused, but dismissed it. Which relieved both of them. She turned to the door signaling for someone to come in. After a moment Hilda walked into the room with something white hiding right behind her.

"Sorry we took so long! He's really shy" Lyria said, gesturing To the white furry endermen behind Hilda.

Azura immediately noticed his fur, it was indeed white, which was unusual and also there seemed to be no patched where his fur had begun to shed, which meant he was very young. Endermen are born covered in fur for how cold the end is could kill them and how soft their skin is, but as they get older their skin toughens and they lose their fur.

"I heard that you found him with a couple of teenagers who were tormenting him, is he alright?" Patrick asked, getting Azura full attention.

"What!?" Azura swung her legs over the edge of the bed and forced herself to her feet. She was momentarily lightheaded and a feeling of a thousand needles covered both her legs.

"Azura!" Patrick yelped, rushing over to her to help her.

She leaned into Patrick's hands for a short time, then pushed herself forward approaching the small endermen. She knelt down in front of him as he tried to become one with Hilda's leg.

"Azura only speaks Ender so unless you know how to speak it you can't."

"⊑⟟ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⍜⋏⟒" Azura said, smiling softly at the little Endermen's face light up.

"⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⌿⟒⏃☍! ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⌿⟒⏃☍!" The little endermen slowly stepped away from Hilda and closer to Azura.

"She speaks Ender?" Hilda questioned Patrick, who looked surprised as the rest of them.

"Apparently so..." Patrick muttered, noting how Lyria was shaking her head rapidly to her commander.

"⍙⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⋏⏃⋔⟒ ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ☌⎍⊬?" Azura spoke softly and cautiously to the white Endermen.

Azura now noticed the bandages wrapped around the left side of his face, covering his eye. It had strangely enough reminded her of Patrick when he had gotten his scar. His tail was skinny with matted fur, as was most of his fur honestly.

"⏚⍜⍜!" The little Endermen walked closer to the blue-haired human. Eyeing the scars on her neck and short hair.

Azura smiled at him, slowly raising her hand to hover over his head. He stared up at her hand for a moment, then leaned up into the touch, eye widening curiously.

"What did he say?" Lyria asked, bending down next to the scholar.

"He said his name is Boo."

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