Mission 1 - Chapter 2: In Snowfei

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The last stop: Snowfei. I could feel my heartbeat as I exited the train and went to the main gates. Sure, this isn't my first time away from home, but this was different. I felt the cold wind hit my face as I walked toward the main gates.
I approached the entrance. The gates were very high, made out of wood and metal, there were small towers close to the gates. Nothing compared to anything I saw in other kingdoms. I heard someone climbing up the tower. Then I saw a man with a black coat.

"Reason for stay?" He asked me.

"Invitation from queen Charlotte." I replied waving the invitation in my hand.

"Give it to me." As he ordered that a small compartment opened in the gates. I put the piece of paper in it. It closed again. He then climbed down. There's got to be a better mechanisim for this..

"It's the real deal. You can enter." The main gates opened and a beautiful sight greeted me. Clear snow falling to the ground and tall dark green trees. Eagles flying through the sky. Small houses made out of dark wood. I could've hardly said that this was an island. I can't believe I actually got in.

"You must be new around these parts." The strange man in the coat inquired. "Queen Charlotte ordered me to bring any guests of Snowfei straight to her first. Come with me Miss."

And so, I followed him along the road and passed a small town until we reached our destination. It was a beautiful light blue castle with a bright coloured garden. We entered and the inside was just as astonishing and pretty.

"Lady Charlotte is a very busy woman. Please, be patient, it will only take a moment."
The guy said, leading me to the main hall it seems. He scribbled something in a hurry, and then left.

Strange, when I'm waiting for someone, usually it's Ms. Snake back at home.
I observed the pictures on the walls. One in particularly sparked my interest. It was a family portrait. The father, two sisters, and.. a mother? The face is scribbled and I can't distinguish it.. The older sister had greyish eyes and brown hair with a black ribbon. The younger, had blue eyes with an unusual spark and also long pure white hair. She kind of looks like me..

While I was examining the painting I heard a person behind me "That one was a lovely memory of mine.."
Eighteen minutes and thirty three seconds.
I turned around to the very same grey eyes from the photo.

"Greetings your majesty." I bowed down.

"Please, drop the formalities, It's not what I need of you right now. Call me Charlotte."

I was taken aback a bit by this. "Oh alright. Very sorry for being late, I had some.. trouble along the way."

"I heard. I'm sure you are very tired after a twelve hour trip."

"Yes I am a bit actually."

"My sister, her name was Paper Whiteblind." She pondered, looking back at the portrait.

"Pfft that's a-" I quickly stopped myself. "very delightful and creative name. How did you bless a child with a name like that?" I giggled nervously.

"My father named her that because of her unusually white hair. He.. always said that paper is gentle and can tear and catch fire easily, but the edges are sharp and can cut you if your not careful." She rambled. I thought it was common knowledge.. Why Paper?

"Miss, I have a lot of questions for you." I finally said.

"Oh? Please feel free to ask away." She requested.

"I want to know what could be so important to require knights help. You failed to mention in the letter."

"Right," she cleared her throat "it's not a very pleasant topic. It's about my younger sister. She went missing a about a month ago."

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