Missing zee part 2

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Ash and Ben sits on the couch making kissy face at each other when Jeff pours water on them. Ben runs away screaming.
Ben: Aghhh!!! The water it burns!
Jeff jumps on the couch with ash.
Jeff: enough of the lovey dovey shit and help!
Ash: growls FINE! Walks into the kitchen.
Jeff laughts to himself as she walks away Ben comes up behind Jeff with a knife. With an evil grin.
Jeff: do even think about it.
Walks into the kitchen
~la kitchen ~
Everyone is crowded around the table with an lay out of the house
Slenderman: okay this mansion is big. So we have to split up. Masky hoodie. You guys look in the attic.
Masky and hoodie: yes sir!
Slenderman: Jack Jeff! You guys take the basement.
Jeff: hell yeah! The basement scariest place.
Slenderman: Ray Helen. You guys do perimeter check
Ray: ok
Slenderman: and Ben Ash. You guys check every room upstairs. Me ,sally,and death. Well check the chamber.
Death: chamber. Shivers creepy
Slenderman: okay everybody let's move move move!
Everyone leaves except for l.j, Jane,offenderman, and liu.
Liu: so what we do?
Jane: I don't know but I'm out.
Just as Jane leaves the lights goes out and there a scream. The scream fades. Lights come back on. All three boys are frozen. Everybody comes back.
Jeff: what the hell just happen!?
Liu: it-it happen so quick. It took Jane.
Jack: what happen to Jane?
L.j: I don't know what that thing was...it was-aghh!!!
Something runs fast past ever body and grabs l.j. sally screams. It runs throw the kitchen door and down the hall.
Ash: what the hell was that!
Death: okay I'm not playing anymore.
Ray: me to I'm out!
Ray walks out the kitchen and comes face to face with the creature.
Ash: should I go get her?
Helen: no. I'll go.
As Helen walks to the door there's a loud scream.
Helen: Ray! Runs out and Ray is gone. Everyone follows Helen to the living room
Ash: what the hell is going on!
Ben: wait. Where's sally?
Sally is breathing hard in the kitchen.
Sally: n-nice monster nice..aghhh!!!
Everyone: sally!
Slenderman: okay! Nobody else leaves the group! That thing all ready have zee, Jane ,Ray, l.j, and now Sally
Jack: and that leaves me, slenderman, Jeff, Ben, ash, death, Helen, liu, offenderman, masky, hoodie, and Toby?
Toby: hey!
Jeff: okay this shit is getting out of hand.
Hears a bark. Growls. Then dog crying.
Jeff: smiles? I'm coming boy hand on!
Everyone: Jeff no!
Jeff runs down the hall looking for smile.
Jeff: smiles! What the hell are you! Aghhh!!!!
Death: OMG! This can't be happening!
Ash: Jack you okay?
Everyone looks to see jack holding a knife
Jack: that thing is taking us all one by one!
Toby: Jack! Chill!
Jack: No! How can I chill when we're all going to die!
Everyone looks at Jack. Ash and death tears I their eyes.
Liu: whispers to himself tune in next time when we find out what happens to our friends....
Jack: liu if you say that shit one more time I'm going to kill you!

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