Hearing the Pups

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It was a confusing time for Jasper's western pack. While general life was going well that summer with plenty of food and water to go around, there was one wolf in the pack who was having quite possibly the strangest time of his life. Humphrey was feeling...fat. But he wasn't. The omega wolf rolled onto his back, being unable to sleep on that chilly night. He pointed his gaze down at the bulging mass of his belly. It protruded out into the air like a steep, round hill. A sigh would softly leave his lips as he stared at his swollen stomach, a mix of emotions going through his mind. It all started almost three months ago when he was out on his own on a night just like this one, gathering berries for his family when he felt a sting on his rump. He was worried that he was tranquilized, but the drowsiness never came. He ran home and didn't think much of it. Then after a few weeks, he noticed his stomach was looking and feeling a little bloated. Kate, the love of his life, was the first to notice. She and her mother Eve, the pack healer both agreed that Humphrey was just putting on a little weight. However, his belly only began to grow bigger, and bigger, and rounder, until something remarkable happened. Humphrey remembered just three weeks earlier. He was sitting and watching his three pups playing together outside the den when he felt something moving inside his belly. It alarmed him enough that the pups came to see, and it freaked them out just as much to see something moving inside their dad's stomach. Kate was desperate for answers when she found out. Eve however had no explanation. Humphrey was pregnant, and nobody, no even the father to be could understand why.

Pregnant. That word just continued to float around in the poor wolf's head. That and all the questions. How were pups growing and moving inside the body of a male wolf? How would he be able to get them out when the time came? Would he die from this? Why was this feeling starting to grow on him? Humphrey shook the thoughts out of his head and once again focused on his belly. He knew he was around full term. He was simply huge at this point with certainly more than one pup. It just felt so odd to be so big and bloated with something alive, something that moved, bumped around and made him hungrier while leeching off his nutrients. Humphrey glanced over to the beautiful mate of his, curled up and sleeping peacefully. He needed to at least get some air before trying to get some sleep, though even that was a challenge with the stress and kicking keeping him awake at night.

With a soft groan, Humphrey rolled to his side, got his footing, and heaved himself to his paws, taking a moment to get his balance. His bump hung low, swaying slightly like a hammock filled with amniotic fluid and several developing pups. The dull ache of his back set in, reminding the wolf of the weight that he was carrying. It had to be a good fifteen pounds sitting in his swollen gut. Humphrey looked back towards that bump of his, seeing how it bulged out to the sides of his body. It honestly reminded him of Mooch, his overweight brother in arms. His friends were all simply fascinated by their friend's condition. They poked and prodded his bump whenever they hung out, asking questions that Humphrey simply had no answer for. Now in his even bigger state, Humphrey had to distance himself from his crew, as sad as it made him feel. He didn't want to go into labor away from the main area of the pack, especially with a group of wolves who were self admittedly not the smartest. Humphrey then started to walk out of the den and into the moonlight where it was much easier for him to see than in this den. This walk out into the night air was more like a slow waddle. His huge belly swayed side to side in an almost rhythmic manner with each step he took forward. It was a lot to get used to, and he still wasn't close to that point. It felt like he'd eaten a whole buffet of those heavy human cupcakes he ate on his journey home with Kate so long ago.

As he waddled out onto the cool stone, he glanced back to the den entrance before sitting down on his haunches with a soft grunt, having to gyrate his back way where it would ache with as little pressure as possible. His belly hung out in front of him, filling the space in his lap. They started to move, all this motion having woken the little pups floating in his womb. He gazed down, watching the moments of the pups push out and flutter under his taut skin. Humphrey just couldn't help but bring his paws up and hold them up against the surface of his gut, hoping to perhaps calm them down so they wouldn't kick his bladder again. He wasn't a fan of having to run to the bathroom three times in an hour. However, this was interrupted by the sound of a soft voice behind him.

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