#003 | fatui 2 ♤

13 1 0

fair lady. has started a call


fair lady.
>  Look out your window, tartie ♡


Ajax makes his way to the window, setting his phone down onto the counter as he surveys the area outside.
There sat a no rooft car , a mop of purple, blonde and blue hair sitting in it.
He squint his eyes, his vision clear

The ginger quickly grabs his bag, fixing up his messy tie, making his way outside to greet his friends.

"Is this even legal?,! Who's car is this?!"
Ajax asked, looking at his friends ,a lace of concern hinting his tone.
"Dottore got his driving license, now get in fuckwad."
Scaramouche answered.

"Can't believe you trusted him to drive, unbelievable."

"Shut up Signora! Now get in boy, we have no time to lose."

"Is that church music?! Turn that off!"

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