u n n o t i c e a b l e

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u n n o t i c e a b l e

you're staring at the distance
in front of you,
i'd always be wishing,
it was me who you're staring at.
you're the star
in the vault of the sky,
you'd be scintillating so beautifully
while i'm down below,
wishing you'd see me
even through the dust of the sky,
even through the dark of the abyss.

but to my dismay,
you never did
i was only that small, frail dot
lying flat in front of your eyes.
i was nobody special
not special enough
to even receive your attention.
i wasn't asking for much,
just a simple nod
or even an acknowledgement
would have meant tonnes to me,
dashed my shred of hope,
only little did you know.

just a simple smile
just a simple glance
just a simple greeting,
but i'd never receive
at least anything.
by the end of the day,
my hopes crush me senselessly.
maybe someday,
someone will treat me better
but they're not you,
they don't send my heart
going up and down the stairs,
they don't send flurries of hornets
attacking my stomach in nervousness,
they never made me f e e l
the way that you do.

maybe another girl,
would treat you better
but they'll never make you realise
how much i've loved you,
how much i'd take risks
despite their intensity
despite what i have to lose
because i'd lose what i have to lose,
just to receive you.
maybe i'm desperate
maybe i'm not,
love makes you do
or say things
you never thought
you'd do.


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