Chapter 1: First Day

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~Oh, hello first day of college.~

~ Taehyung's pov ~

If there is anything I hate, then it is Summer, especially the Summer mornings. To top that it's my first of college, and my brother is not here with me to drop me off to college. So I have to travel alone through the crowded metro. Another thing I hate, crowded spaces. Could my day get any worse?

My brother, Jin always brags about how memorable his college days were and how he fun it was. Wonder if I will be saying the same when I'm done with this tiring phase of life.

It is scorching hot and my not-so-lovely friend is nowhere to be seen. The good thing is that the university campus is filled with gigantic green trees, at least I could kill my time by standing under the shade and plotting how to kill Park Jimin.

Jimin is literally the laziest person I've ever encountered in my life. I'm really looking forward to the day when he'll be on time, at least once in his lifetime. I'm already annoyed and done with the day. Taking out my phone from my pocket, I called him.

"Where the fuck are you!?" I spoke through my gritted teeth right after he lifted the call.

"Stop shouting and I'm on the way, I'm gonna be there in 10 mins Taebear." He replied in a rushed tone. I could hear the elevator noise coming from the call. My patience is already running thin.

"Park fucking Jimin, you better get your ass here asap, before I decide to poison your dumplings," I said through my gritted teeth.

"Calm down babe, I'll be there soon." He replied in a sultry voice.

"Whatever," saying so I cut the call.

This dumb idiot will always be a pain in my ass. I wonder how did I even end up friends with him. Thinking so, I made my way towards the orientation hall.

I made myself comfortable in one of the last rows. I texted Jimin, letting him know about my whereabouts.

The hall is gradually getting filled by the freshmen year students. And my eyes are only searching for a familiar face, waiting for him to walk through the entrance door. It's been 10 minutes and Jimin is here, he looked around trying to find me, and he did at last. He came straight to me and sat next to me. "Thank God! You're finally here, I thought you would come after I graduate.", I mocked him.

"Hehe! Sorry, Tae, I forgot to set my alarm" he smiled sheepishly. I rolled my eyes at the annoying and pain-in-the-ass best friend of mine and muttered "Of course! What do I expect from a pig like you", which he obviously ignored and started flirting with the girl who sat next to him.

By the time, the orientation program was over, I'm already starving. Perks of skipping my breakfast. So, Jimin and I decided to head to the canteen to eat something. Not gonna lie the Uni's central canteen is so spacious and it looks so good and neat. As a cleanliness freak, I have to appreciate this place for the clean environment it has.

We got our food and sat in the canteen, we are eating in silence until Jimin decided to break it by saying, "I heard from Jin hyung once that Namjoon's brother comes here too." To which I just hummed, eyebrows furrowed, and mumbled a simple "Yes" as a response and continued savoring my pasta. I'm not really in the mood to talk about Kim Namjoon right now. I have had enough of him. My brother had enough of him.

"Do you think, we should meet him?" and that made my head snap at him so quickly. Sure that I know about Namjoon's brother studying here but after my brother's break up with Kim Namjoon that nearly broke my brother, I don't want to have anything to do with Namjoon. After seeing all the pain that my brother went through to get over the breakup, I'd be lying if I don't feel like killing Namjoon.

"Of course not! I've nothing to do with Namjoon or his brother, in fact, I've nothing to do with all the things related to Namjoon at all" I snapped and my nostrils flared with rage building up inside me.

"Calm down Tae. I'm just trying to help Ji-" Jimin was about to say something, but the loud gasps, whispers, and the camera shutter clicks heard from around stopped him. I just looked around to see what was happening and diverted my eyes to the corner where everybody is looking and was greeted with the sight of a ridiculously tall guy dressed in black emptying a can of coke on the head of a guy who is visibly shivering in fear.

After emptying the coke, he glared at all the people who are staring and yelled in a loud voice "The fuck are you all staring at, mind your business." That made all the people zip their mouths, drop their phones, and return back to their work.

His voice is so intimidating and cold that I felt the shivers running down my spine by just listening to his voice.

The poor little guy on whom he emptied the coke, ran out of the canteen while wiping his tears.

I diverted my attention to the tall guy, he's now sitting with 2 other guys whose backs are facing me. He is looking at his phone with a face void of any expression like he did not just cause a huge commotion just now. His face itself looked so cold that I wonder that did he ever smile in his entire life.

I don't know why but for some reason I started to dislike this guy. I mean yeah he is good-looking and all, and I don't even know him but something in me tells me that "that guy is a problem". Before I realise I was staring at him, that cold intimidating guy just looked in my direction or more precisely glared at "me".

That's awkward and his glare makes me feel so awkward.

I quickly averted my eyes from him and dug into my food. "That's a scene to watch on the first day, looks like we still have to deal with bullies around here," Jimin said with a sigh.

I didn't even dare to look in the tall-cold-dressed-in-black guy's direction anymore. And I mentally made a note to stay as far as possible from that guy.

Yes! I would stay away from him, I will avoid him at all costs.

He seemed like walking trouble to people, well if not to people, then at least to me.

A/N : Thank you so much for giving this story a chance.


(1116 words)

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