The Red Button

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Emma POV


               “Emma!” I heard. I ran as far away from that voice. I hated that voice. I slouched against the stall and let myself fall to the ground. With tears streaming down my face, I laughed. The sickest laugh I ever heard. I was going to kill him. I was going to kill Matt.


And that’s what started my dream. To kill. He hurt me mentally, so I was going to hurt him physically. I caressed the knife in my hand as I sat up in the tree, outside his house. I waited until the last light turned off. Then I made my move. I snuck in their attic. I quietly maneuvered around the boxes until one hit the floor with a loud BANG! I ran until I found a matt of insulation and crept under it. I heard footsteps then they went away. I stayed up there for another hour….. at least until I woke up.




I got out from underneath the insulation, sweating like a pig. That insulation is very itchy and hot. I snuck quietly out of the attic, descending the spiral stairs. My hands shook with nervousness. I felt sick. It was my first time killing. I snuck down the hallway. I immediately recognized the rooms. I walked in his room, quietly and shut the door. I locked it making sure there was no way out. I went to the window, shut and locked it just the same. I went over to his bed and sat down, looking at his sleeping face. I shook him gently; I wasn’t going to let him off easily by killing him in his sleep. He shook and woke up. He looked at me with dead eyes.

“Emma, What are you doing here? It’s 2 am.” He said groggily.

“You are going to pay.”

“What do you mean? For what?”

“All those questions will be answered when you move on…” He looked at me with a confused look.

“To Hell.” I whispered. With that I pulled out my knife and sliced his throat. I then took off my gloves and threw them at him. Before I left I saw the shocked face of my once true love as he painfully died. I took out their home phone and walked into his parent’s room. I dialed 911 and placed it by her ear. I fled up the stairs and out the attic window, shattering the window and barely making the jump to the tree.

               I climbed down and pulled the red button out of my camo pants. The life or death button. I chose death. I pressed the button and walked off their property. A loud explosion occurred behind me making car bits and metal scraps fly. I smiled as I walked away from the skeleton of the house, dropping the red button.

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