Our new home

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Sarada's POV

As Boruto and I brought the last couple boxes into the new apartment we collapsed in a heap onto a couch in the middle of the room and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment because at that moment we were in our apartment on our own we felt so happy


What you mean push the couch to my left or your left baby I'm confused


My left and have I ever told you how cute you are when your confused my darling

- time skip -

After a few hours we finally had everything where we wanted it so we collapsed into the couch because we were exhausted and decided to just irder food take a bath and just watch T.V. That night as were too tired to cook or go out


We did it baby finally we moved in together and now we're in our new apartment with our baby oh and hey I thought of a name for the baby I could only think of a boy's name though but I'm working on a girls name I promise


*giggles* ok baby whatever you say now what is the name you came up with ??


Well for a boy I like Minato


That's your grandfather's name isn't it


*sighs* yeah I figured since I never got to know the original Minato properly I could get to know the new one instead


Aww baby that's a great idea it's decided then if our baby is a boy his name will be Minato Uzumaki now we just need to think of a name for a girl


Hmmmm well we could name her Kushina after my grandmother but then that would be weird if we already have a son named Minato


No actually I think thise names would be perfect and a great way to honour the sacrifice that your grandparents made all those years ago


Really you like it ?


Baby I love it Minato / Kushina Uzumaki they are great names baby great names for a great person and it would be a way to continue their memory


*sighs* thankyou baby now the food will be here soon and the boxes are put away and everything is in place so wanna just watch a movie while we wait ?


Yeah baby sure what should we watch and you miss your grandparents don't you even though you never knew them


Yeah I miss them every day and it's dad's birthday soon which is also the day they died so dad doesn't really enjoy his birthday all that much we all just go visit their graves then we all have dinner together will you come with me I want you to meet them even if you can't meet them physically


Sure baby but are you sure that's ok I don't wanna intrude or anything


It's a family tradition my dad has done it every year on his birthday since he can remember and you are my family now so I want you to come with me plus you can always cheer up my dad somehow so seeing you might actually cheer him up


Ok baby I'll go with you definitely

Boruto's POV

As we were talking the food arrived so I went and got it paid the delivery guy and then we ate then we realised how tired we were from moving in so we decided to just go lay down but we didn't go to sleep just yet we talked for a while


That's true I swear Jiraiya and my gradpa invented the rasengan together and Jiraiya then taught my dad to do it then he taught me to do it and if that's what our kids wanna do and they become a ninja like us I'll teach them to do it


Wow I can't believe your grandpa and Jiraiya sensei invented one of the most powerful moves in your dad's arsenal that's incredible


You can tell him yourself when we visit him on dad's birthday I'm sure they would've loved you a confident strong strong minded beautiful intelligent incredible loving girl who gushes over their invention ha ha ha and my grandma would've loved you too she helped my dad gain control of Kurama


How could she do that if she's dead ?


So you know she was the nine tails jinchuriki before my dad right


Yeah I know that


Well when Kurama went on the attack against Konoha my grandpa had to seal half of Kurama in him and half into my dad so he keyed my grandma's spirit into the sealing formula for two reasons


Why did he do that exactly ?


Well he did it so my grandma got to spend more time with my dad than he did and so that when my dad needed help gaining control of the nine tails she would appear to him in spirit form and help him and she did but they also talked alot while my dad got control of him and she told him how she and my grandpa met and fell in love then she told him about the sealing jutsu and the jinchuriki and why Kurama went mad


Why did Kurama attack the village


Well during the nine months between when a female jinchuriki gets pregnant and when she gives birth the seal is weakened and my grandma taught my grandpa how to keep the seal locked tight while she was in labour but my grandpa couldn't hold it long enough and when Kurama was released he was angry at humans for sealing him away so he got angry and attacked the village


And now he's sealed inside your dad and that's why you your dad and your sister heal faster than normal


Yeah it's because we've all been exposed to the nine tails chakra but my dad has mastered the chakra control for it and because Kurama actually lives inside him my dad can access something I like to call "Kurama mode" which makes him incredibly powerful and durable during a fight and because my dad held the power of the nine tails everyone resented him until he was 16 and defeated pain then he helped to end the 4th great shinobi war and became known as
"the hero of the hidden leaf" and he is now one of the most highly respected men on earth and the moon but the moon is a story for another day trust me


Wow my mom never told me that about lord 7th before all I knew was that my parents were his closest friends growing up and he considers my parents his siblings and he considers iruka sensei his father


Yeah grandpa iruka is great you know he was one of only two people that believed in my dad till he met your parents and then he made friends with alot more people including my mom in fact my dad has known my mom longer than your parents but again that's a stiry for another day and it ties into the moon story aswell a little bit

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