Chap 16: Heal the Hurting

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Bean, most likely small chapter))

Error stared at the wall blankly, then at his arm as he moved it. He moved his fingers and wrist, while Just a few moments ago he could barely move any part of his body. These people who said he was home now, who gave him a purpose and place, healed him. Error looked down at himself, his torn and tattered clothes had been replaced with newer ones. Like what he used to wear but with changes to some stitching, colors, and design.

He got up off of a large bean bag cot, the towns people heard singing and laughing outside the temple. He looked out, a 5 day festival in the town to celebrate Error's return. Or well... Pips return, Error had no idea who that was anymore. It was him but now it isn't. Feeling like he's being held up to the standards of someone else. He has clearly changed from their beloved selfless puppet master. Now he's picky and sarcastic and mean, he killed and destroyed for so many years.

Other people as well as Error thought he was a monster, a murderer. He looked at the old paintings and wall carvings of pip. He looked so different, looked much more peaceful and do good than him. Error sighed and sat back down on his bean bag, curling up in its soft plump shape. He heard foot steps and quickly snapped his head towards the sound. Calming down when he saw a small child who walked up to him. A flower in hand they said "This is... for you!"

Error sat up and gently took the flower. Looking at the red stem, purple pollin and dark blue to light blue petals. The petals had patterns and swirls made out of something that sparkled, the poling stems had crystals shining just atop of them. Error smiled softly and looked at the child "ThAnK yOu, ThIs Is VeRy BeAuTiFuL." Error said, caressing a petal of the flower.

The child smiled "Thank you! My family grows flowers, i grew that one!" They giggled. Error smiled "WeLl It WaS vErY gEnErUs Of YoU tO gIvE yOuR gOrGeOuS fLoWeR tO mE." Error told him, scooting over and letting the child on the bean bag.

They happily climbed on and looked up at him "Why aren't you at the festival? It's for you." They asked. Error looked forward and sighed "BuT iT's NoT.. wHo ThEy'Re CelEbRaTiNg IsN't Me AnYmOrE." Error said. "What do you mean?" The child asked. "I... I'vE bEeN aWaY fOr A lOnG tImE aPpErAnTlY. iN tHaT tImE i'Ve DoNe BaD tHiNgS, hUrT pEoPlE." Error confessed, looking down.

"Oh... did you want to?" The child asked. "At FiRsT bUt AfTeR i LoOkEd PaSt My PaIn AnD hAtE... I rEaLlY dIdN't." Error said. "Are you gonna do anything like that to us?" The child asked again. "... No. I wOn'T." He said. "Then... my sister says everyone deserves a chance after wards. If you don't do something like that again and feel sorry for the things you did, then you get another chance!" They said happily.

"You don't have to go back to the old you, so show them who you wre now and show yourself who you can be!" He said. Hugging Error, Error flinched a little but.... didn't glitch, it was warm. Very very warm. He smiled softly and hugged the child back "Thank you, that helped me a lot." He said. The child soon slowly let go, "Good, you should go out there. And I need to return to my family before the worry! I always go off like this." They said before running out of the temple.

Error looked at the flower and smiled softly, the child was right. He slowly got up and walked towards the temple steps, coming down towards the festival. As soon as I made it down there people cheered and walked up to him with gifts, necklaces, and food. He joined in dances even when he couldn't do them right. People came up and cruee of how happy they were he was there. They acted like... they loved him, they truly did. Error talked, sung and danced with the people.

At the end of the night while the festival activities for that night. Calmed down, the whole large town sat in a circle and ate their foods, gave their blessings, and gave thankful prayer to Lasy destiny. Error held his flower close to himself, finding it one of the most precious gifts. The bunny lady from the start of this world smiled at him "You seem quite happy this day. Good." She said. "Oh, by the way I'm Lily." She said. "Oh, NiCe To MeEt YoU lIlY." Error said.

Lily looked at his hands and gasped, seeking the flower "Wow! A Devine flower!?" She exclaimed to him. Error blinked his sockets and couple times "A wHaT?" He asked.

"A Devine flower, a mark flower left by a God or goddess. That's lady destiny's flower, they used to grow a lot here but after they left they stopped growing. It signifies the love the Devine has for their world. We thought she stopped loving us but she was just very distraught you were gone. That's the first one to be seen in a very long time!" She said. Just then,Error realized something... it wasn't a child who encouraged him to go to the party.

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Destiny smiled from the realm above as she was making a small gaurden with the new flowers growing. "Everything will be betterment starlight." She hummed.

~•°☆End of Chapter☆°•~

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