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Pudding and tense feelings

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Pudding and tense feelings

Evelyn groaned as Ron continued to pester her about the latest events.

After announcing her decision and feeling the pasta coming up when she saw how sick the Malfoy boy looked, she decided that she would tell her siblings at home instead of when they were still at Hogwarts. Considering she had no idea what they would do or say she took the safest bet. Though that didn't stop the nerves when her friends asked what had taken so long. After she was discharged from the wing with a promise to madam Pomfrey to take better care of herself and not be shy to write, she was relieved when they had made it back to the common room without running into the boy who had been taking up her everyday thoughts.

"All I'm saying is that I should know whatever Ginny knows! I'm your twin! Your other half!"

"Enough Weasley, if she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to," the mighty Theo comes to her rescue. She had snuck him in when he ran into the health wing and hugged the living daylights out of her, Luna right behind him with the mystical smile back on her face.

"Shut it, Nott! You shouldn't even be here,'' Ron rolled his eyes with his statement but didn't make an effort to try and make him leave. He was well accustomed to the Slytherin sneaking in and out of the Gryffindor common room and dorms.

"Please just drop it, Ron, I already told you I'd tell you at home," she resists the urge to roll her eyes again.

Ron just grunted and reached for some of the crisps. The conversation had flowed through the time they had spent there, to quidditch from parties to bellows of happiness that the year had ended.

Evelyn was happy that she would get a break from the overflowing assignments and tests but, as much as she hates to admit it... she was also scared. The thought of revealing the news to her family covered her body in chills and the urge to scratch up and down her arms magnified.

Evelyn had her feet in Theo's lap as they took up one of the couches in the corner of the common room, they were going to go outside after Evie had taken a shower and changed but when she came back down all fresh and clean the others had already gotten comfortable in the common room and no one felt like getting up- which was good for Evie as she was kind of, maybe, definitely avoiding someone.

When her thoughts went to the Malfoy boy, so did the memories of that night. She remembers winning beer pong so many times that they had practically kicked her out of the game, she remembers dancing with her friends, the warmth of the alcohol, his rough voice, soft laughs, and his hands, his rough hands traveling her body. His soft hair that she couldn't stop running her fingers through. She doesn't even remember how they got into his room. The memories are distant, talking, laughing, moaning. Besides that, her thoughts travel to his decision. She gave him time and she absolutely meant for him to take time to make the decision that would change his life, her life, and the baby's life. She didn't want him to feel forced into saying anything, she had gotten time to decide and she was returning the same privilege to him.

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