The Present

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I'm now 14 years old. I sat on the snow then I smelt something. What's that? I quickly sat up, then I saw something.

It jumped at me. The hell!? I jumped back and landed on it's feet into the snow, staring at me.

That smell it's giving off is terrible! "W-What are you!?" I got no response, then it charged. I grabbed my father's blade and swung it towards the figure.

It jumped over me landing on it's feet. "That mark on your cheek... you're part of the sun breathing clan." The thing said.

"Huh!?" I was confused "My cheek? It's a scar." I replied. "Don't lie!" It charged once again. I tried to jump back, but it scratched my arm.

"AGH!" I fell, then flipped onto my feet. "Hinokami Kagura! Clear Blue Sky!" I spinned horizontally and delivered a 360° slash of flames.

The figure barely jumped out of the way. I can't give it time to react, but I don't have much time! My body is already aching!

"Sunflower Thrust!" I dashed forward letting the tip of my blade guide me. I missed the neck by 3 inches.

Now is my chance!

I flipped behind it, upside down. "Fire Wheel!" I cut through the neck and side flipped in the air, landing on my feet.

"I did it?" There was no body, no ash, it was gone. "Too slow, kid!" It was behind me, I wouldn't be able to dodge it. I waited for death, but it never came.

I turned around to see a man. He was wearing a green and black kimono. "Are you ok?" He said, his voice was calm and kind.

"I-I'm fine." I replied. "I'm Tanjiro Kamado! Who are you?" He asked me. "Hiro, Hiro Tanaka."

"I saw how good you were with that blade. Can I train you?"

"As a Demon Slayer?"


"Ok! Let's do it!"

Me and Tanjiro talked for a bit and he explained all breathing types especially the one I called Hinokami Kagura. Right now i'm walking to butterfly mansion with him.

Wow... Tanjiro is SO cool! I muttered to myself. Then I walked right into his arm.
"Shhh kid, stay down." Tanjiro said as he sniffed the air.

"What is it?" I whispered.

Suddenly he ran as fast as he could towards an abandoned house. "LET'S GO KID!!" He yelled.

"UHH, OK THEN!" I yelled back and ran after him.

He stopped in front of the abandoned house, slowly walking up the porch stairs. He has his left hand on his sheath, and his right on the hilt of his blade, ready to attack.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I ran into a tree. Tanjiro looked at me. "Oww.." I said lightly. "Hey, Kid." I looked at Tanjiro.

"Kid, this is the dissapointed teacher look." He face palmed and shook his head lightly. I frowned. "Just messin' with ya kid."

"Oh ok!" I ran up to him and followed as he slowly opened the door of the abandoned building.

Heh, I got the dissapointed teacher look from my 7th grade teacher, Mr. Martin. Anyways back to the story.

A demon charged through the door throwing Tanjiro to the ground. I barely dived out of the way.

"Kid! Go to Butterfly Mansion quick!" Tanjiro yelled.

I didn't respawn, I just ran. I made it into butterfly mansion. Then I stopped. A lady had grabbed my shoulders and examining my face

"Uhhhh.. H-" The ladt interupted me. "Tiny Tanjiro? Wait, where is your scar?"

"Mom, that isn't dad." Said a voice like the lady's but a little more soft. I looked in the direction of the voice and I saw a girl around my age.

Tanjiro ran back. "I'm back, Kanao!" He said. "Oh, then who's this?" She asked.

"This is Hiro, i'm going to train him to be part of the Demon Slayer Corps, like our daughter." He replied.

"It's dinner time, and is Hiro going to join us?" I didn't want to intrude so I was going to decline but.

"Of course he will." Said Tanjiro.

5 minutes later I was sitting at their table with the Kamado family. I sat in silence, until I turned my head.

Tanjiro's daughter was staring at me. I felt a blush come to my cheeks.

"Guys, it's ready for training." Tanjiro said.

So I went outside with his daughter. Tanjiro introduced us. "Kimiko, this is Hiro. Hiro, this is Kimiko. You will be facing off against each other."

We were both handed a wooden training katana. "GO!" Tanjiro yelled.

Kimiko charged at me swinging the wood at my head. I quickly blocked it, only to be kicked in the stomach.

"Again!" Tanjiro said."

Well, will have a big time skip in the next one. This is also my first story.

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