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Yns pov

I was looking at the ceiling when the lights flicked on,I whimpered,I went to look at the side but that thing was back one,so I couldnt,I could her the door close and the tapping of her shoes,Then the mask moved off my face allowing me to breathe,She walked over and smiled"Morning Sweetie"Uraraka said"I gulped a bit"M-morning"She giggled,"Still scared?"She asked"I heard screaming early........"I said"Oh.....don't worry,No one will hurt you"She said putting a finger on my chin"Hm,Its been a few days you know,And you haven't once tried to escape"She said moving her finger,"What's the point,you guys are to strong to do anything"i said"Hmm,Well since your not gonna try,Then maybe I can move you now"She said and stood,I whimpered"Whats wrong"She asked leaning over"C-can you leave the lights on?,The bed lights stopped working"i said,She glared then disappeared,I whimpered then felt something about my shoulder,I screamed and she stood"Wrong one"She said and went back down,I whined in pain and felt then thing stabbing my shoulder pull out and disappear,I whined,I whimpered when the bed lights turned one"There we go"She said standing,She then walked off,Then came back with wipes and started wiping my shoulder"I whined everytime she touched the new wound"Calm down,Its okay"She said,I looked at her then the ceiling"Ill be back in a minute"She said then walked away again,I heard the door close and sigh,I want to escape but......with everything that been happening to me and my class,I rather not try to,Plus this thing is basically holding me down,I sighed and looked up,The bed lights were giving off light but different colors,i closed my eyes till the door opened,I whimpered,Then footsteps walked over"This is the girl?"said a guy with black hair,He has a little yellow piece in his hair,another male looked at me,His hair was all black,He just stared at me,Then alot of people were looking at me,I whined and closed my eyes"Back away from her"I heard her say,I open my eyes and the people back away and uraraka o
walks over and leans over,she moves my hair a bit then smiles,See,Shes still here"She said,I looked around then a guy with green hair looked at me,I whimpered,he looked up"Fine,But she stays in your room"He said"I know"uraraka says ,thenthe restraints on me move,I slowly sat up and look around,My arms hurt so much and lay back down,Getting giggles from other people in the room"Cmon yn,let's go"She says,I sat up again but I dont know what else to do,She grabbed my hand and help me up then held me,I whined and she giggles,Then walks me to her room,once there she leads me to a part of the room and sits me on a bed,Thankfully,There were no legs,so if I wanted,I could slip of the bed,Theres also a tv and table,under the tv is a tv holder with what I think are games and movies,then felt something on my leg and look,theres a chain on my leg,I look at uraraka as she stands,she smiles and walks away,I go to the the bed and siting front of it and hold my legs,she soon comes back and places chicken in front of me,I look at her then back down"Whats wrong"She asks,I shrug and she sits next to me,Then grabs the remote and takes my hand"What are you?"I start,she then puts the remote in my hand,and turns the tv on and puts a movie in,I lean on her,She giggles

Me and uraraka were watching a movie,Dabi had came and took my plate,Since I couldn't move,also,They dec6to update my litte corner to a room that's in uraraka rooms,She saw it as a extra space she didnt need,So it just be came my room,They moved the bed,Tv,tv holder,Everything that I originally had,And add more thing,Like blankets and pillows,A bathroom,and more things,They as made the chain moveable,So if I had to to,I could go to the bathroom,or just move around,I yawned and uraraka giggled"Tired"I shook my head,Then the sounds of the hammer where in my ears,I whined and leaned on her making her giggle"Are you almost done?"She asked"Momo and kirishima looked at us,Kirishima then hit the nail"Done"He said smiling proudly,Momo smiled at him"Now she has cabinet's,"she said,dabi soon walked in and out food in there then left,Momo giggled while kirishima glared,He then grabbed it and walked over,But I just hid behind uraraka,she took it from kirishima and placed it fown"Let her get use to yall first ok kiri"Uraraka said,Kirishima nodded and he and momo left,I moved and started eating,uraraka smedley then stood,I looked at her as she walked to her door"Ill be back soon okay?"she asked,I nodded slowly,And continued eating as she left,She forgot to close the door,I stood and went to the door and used my foot to close it,I cant use my hands,Cuase if I do,It burns my hand and alerts someone,so closing it with my hands is not a option,Once it was close,I went back to my spot and continued eating and watching the movie

Uraraka pov

I was heading the bar when I got alert,i looked at my phone to she yn walk to the door and kick it closed,stare at it then go back to watch was doing,I giggled and showed it deku and kurogiri who were talking,They giggled,,I put my phone away as deku walked off,Toga soon walked over and sta next to me"So,hows the girl?"she asked"shes doing good so far,And she used her foot to close the door"I said and brought out my phone and showed her,She giggled"Well,I guess she isnt leaving anytime soon"Toga said,Kurogiri passed my a cub,Toga shook her head so kurogiri gave her blood"You never say no to the blood twist"I say"I have to,Tsuyu doesn't want me getting drunk"Toga said taking a drink of blood"But the blood twist doesn't have alcohol into"Yea,She think it does"Toga said"That sucks"I say,She shrugs then tsuyu walks over and hides her face in togas neck,toga whimpers a bit,I giggle and take a sip of my drink,Then dabi walks in with his girlfriend maddie,Her quirk was red ice,So he was protective of her,And her parents,Her dad is a jerk,But is dead,And her mom,Sadly is also dead,But she was very kind,That's what I was told anyways,I then stood and walked to my room,And to yns room to see her plate on the table and the tv off,Withher sleeping on the bed,I smile then close the door

Let's see how long she lasts

To be continued

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