Breaking The Barrier

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It was when they'd gotten to his house.

That was when the tension was rife, surrounding them in a barrier of uncertainty.

The air was drowning in it, and she knew there was no way he wasn't gasping for some form of release as well. His well known poker face couldn't fool her, nor his ignorant act. She knew what she wanted. Elle knew what he wanted.

She just hoped his charming nature would come through, and he wouldn't start distancing himself and ignore his feelings. Goodness knows she'd battled that side of him long enough.

Her true hope was that he would be the one to take the initiative. That he would be the one to succumb to the tension and make the first move—make his primal wants known.

She was sick of being the one to always take the first initiatives, and him always being a gentleman. She'd been the one to ask him out the first time. She'd been the one to lean forward and kiss him on their second date. He'd been the one who pulled away before it got too heavy, given her that charming smile, and bid her a goodnight and excused himself from her doorstep.

And now they were at his house, where they'd been plenty of times together before, but this time there was the heaviness of a building relationship and expectation. They had crossed the line of 'friends' and 'co-workers', and she hoped he wanted her as much as she wanted him tonight and would truly cross that line for good.

"You wanna drink?" Johnny asked after they'd hung up their coats and made it into the living room.

"yeah be nice," she said.

Johnny returned her smirk with one of his own and nodded, leading the way to the basement. She couldn't help but glance down at his denim clad ass as he walked in front of her, before her eyes wandered up and took in the way his strong shoulders moved in that plaid shirt she loved. There was something about his build. He wasn't big and buff, he wasn't skinny or small, he was...athletic. Fit and buff, but not overly so in either direction.

He grabbed his mug which was hanging off a hook by the handle and put it down as he grabbed the bourbon. She watched as he sloshed some of the amber liquid into the mug and then handed it to her. She didn't let go of his stare as she took a drink, trying to decipher if his stare was one of interest or hesitancy.

She swallowed the burning gulp and lowered the mug, surprised when his hand so smoothly brushed against hers and took the mug from her. She tried to remain as poker faced as him, not breaking his eye contact as he took a large gulp. He placed the mug down and she felt like he was going to lean forward and kiss her— but he just reached for a stool. Elle just said it ''do u like me John''?

"Because I like you, John. I've liked you since that stupid rainy day that i bumped into you on set and spilled your coffee. I want more with you, and I need to know if you feel the same."

She could see his mind working a million miles a minute. He slowly nodded his confirmation as he looked into her eyes.

"Then please quit fighting it," she said with a tired breath. "You hurt me a hell of a lot more when you don't even try."

With that she turned around and went and stood looking at a half painted picture on a bench. She could tell he was conflicted, and she wasn't going to press him any more. She didn't want to pressure him into anything he didn't truly want. She just wished he truly wanted her.

She figured she might as well excuse herself without it being awkward.

She hesitated when she felt him press his front against her back again. One of his hands gently grabbed her wrist and he rubbed his thumb across it before his hand brushed up the entirety of her arm, making Goosebumps erupt up her arm pleasurably.

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