Ten- A horrible party

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It was close to two in the morning when my phone went off. The buzzing woke me up from nearly falling asleep. I picked it up not bothering to look at who was calling.

"Hello?" I answered it still half asleep.

"Mark?" They responded slurring their words.

"Jack?" I asked quietly.

Bob was sleeping next to me and I didn't want to wake him up. I felt around for my glasses putting them on blindly. He sounded like he had been drinking. It was a Wednesday night, why would he be drinking in the middle of the week.

"Can you come get me?" He asked making me roll my eyes. "I don't feel good,"

I honestly didn't care if he did drink as long as he was responsible about it. I climbed down my bucks ladder Jack drunkenly mumble at someone in the background.

"I'll come get you but where are you?" I asked slipping on some pants and shoes.

"Some house," He slurred making me shake my head in annoyance.

I wasn't mad at him. I was glad he wasn't getting a ride from someone else who was intoxicated. I slipped on a jacket before grabbing my keys.

"No thanks," I heard Jack say into the phone. "I got a boyfriend, he's coming to pick me up,"

"Who are you talking to Sean?" I asked heading towards my car.

"Some girl. Listen, Mark, it's orange and big," Jack said making me confused. "Are you coming?"

What was he talking about? I really wondered how many drinks he had had to be this drunk. I stopped at the lobby of my residence hall.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"House it's here, at the uni," He said his speech slurring more. "I'm really dizzy,"

So I was looking for a big orange house on campus. The only place I could think of was one of the frat houses. I decided to head towards them just in case.

"Sean, did you come with anyone?" I asked.

"Felix," He said before speaking to someone else. "No I'm okay, my boyfriend is coming. I'm fine,"

I was wondering who he was talking to. Obviously, he didn't really want to talk to them. I started to pick up my pace heading across campus.

"His name is Mark. He's amazing," Jack said before the phone hung up.

I tried to call him again but it went to voicemail. I instantly started running I really hoped he was okay. I ran as fast as I could. I noticed an orange house blasting music. I caught my breath quickly before running to the front door. I was stopped by a man. He blocked the door his arms crossed. I tried to push past him but he pushed me back.

"No chick's no entry," He told me smirking at me.

I scowled at him before pushing again. He pushed me back this time harder I stumbled before sitting up tall. What kind of party is this? A high school movie one? I didn't care I wanted to get in there grab Jack and go back home.

"Listen, man," I told him glaring at him. "My fucking boyfriend is in there and he's fucking drunk. I want to just go get him before he hurts himself,"

He shook his head before poking me in the chest "Sorry pal." He said pushing me again. "We don't have any homos here. You need chick's or no entry,"

I clenched my fist. This was stupid! How the fuck did Jack even get in? I could feel my face get hot.

"You know a guy named Felix?" I asked clenching my fist harder.

"Duh who doesn't," He said smirking at me.

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