Scene #21

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Yes, I'll include the cuddling/blanket-in-front-of-the-fire scene some time. I've got a long list, ehehehehe. :) Also, this chapter is extra long to hopefully compensate for the time between updates. :))

Also, the day has finally come that I have run out of picrews, a moment of silence.


Alright, enjoy! :D

"Damn, you really hate Brunhilde that much?" Japeth asked, watching Aric with curious ice-blue eyes as he carved Brunhilde is a bitch onto almost every single tree he could get to, the exceptions being close to Rhian and Co.

"Am I wrong?" Aric asked, carving the final "h" and moving onto the last tree-the one Japeth was sitting under.

"No, but do the trees really deserve such shit on them because she made you do last month's chores with Rhian?"

"Yeah, because he wouldn't shut up about goddamn Camelot," Aric groaned with an eye roll. "I've never met anyone so mind-numbingly boring and annoying at the same time."

Japeth threw a stick at him. "Ouch."

"If you think that hurt, you'll be crying by the time I actually raise my fist," Aric ridiculed, stabbing the second "b" rather harshly.

"You should add, 'xoxo Aric'," the copper-haired boy grinned as Aric scowled at him. 

"Don't be daft," the violet-eyed boy scoffed. "That's the last thing I would ever write with my name. It's like I'm desecrating it."

"Exactly," Japeth snickered, keeling over in hysterics at the disgusted and put out expression on Aric's face.

"You're having too much fun; act miserable-shouldn't be too hard, your trash brother is looking over here," Aric warned with an evil grin as he finished his tree message and plopped down next to Japeth.

The twin instantly sobered, then shoved Aric and cracked up.

"Can't you ever be serious?" The dark-haired boy complained with another eye roll, fighting back a grin.

"Nope, that's why I'm crazy," Japeth giggled, resting his head back on the tree trunk and looking up through the bountiful branches.

"So if I ask for a murder partner, you'll give us away by cackling?" Aric lifted an eyebrow. "Not sure I want-"

"I don't have to giggle to prove my insanity," Japeth defended himself before Aric could finish his sentence.

"You just have to hang out with me, and-boom!-no more brotherly love," Aric cooed, flicking Japeth's arm.

The ice-eyed boy snorted. "Can't ruin what was never there. But yeah, that's pretty much it."

Aric rolled his amethyst eyes. "Hilarious."

"Seriously, he only sucked up to Mother the entire childhood. It was pitiful. People wonder why we're such opposites," the twin griped bitterly.

"I would've killed him as soon as I could if he was my brother," Aric offered, snatching a berry out of his lunch pail and crushing it between his forefinger and thumb. "Just like that. Gone."

Japeth laughed, amused at Aric's usual berry crushing. "I can't just do that-how else can I use him? And who'll be my new mocking victim?"

"Brunnie," Aric suggested, licking his fingers clean.

"Very funny, hedgehog, but you know I'd be gone by then. Brunhilde would kick my sorry ass out in ten seconds flat," Japeth answered, the nickname poking fun at Aric's spiky hairstyle.

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