How they met love at first sight uwu 🥺🥺 part 1

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*chris mclean is runing thru the hall ways at his school* "Next weeks the last week of school.. Like forever i CANT be late" Chris says in a uwu voice about to cry..As he runs into Ed Sheeran,Aka His crush!, "IM SO SO SO SORRY EDDIE..
 " Chris says like hes about to cry as he starts to blush in a way.."Ahh Its okay..." ed sheeran says while sobbing."why are you sad..?" Chris asks."me and miku broke up a month ago..Ill never find love again..i'd do anything to go on a date..+ the dance is tonight and i have nobody to go with.." Eddie says while he starts sobbing harder and harder ,*chrises  hands start to get sweaty and he says scaredly*"Well uh you wanna go get coffee later..and maybe talk about the dance or something..?" Eddie replys with "I'd love too:)"As he stops sobbing  and starts smiling and blushing and sharting cutely duh obv uwu.

 ||THX for reading Part 1 it means a lot to me, but thanks to Shu,Bb & My bestie yet i dont remmber there name(</3) for supporting my dumbass and the shit i do like this -||

Highschool sweethearts,{A Chris Mclean x Ed Sheeran Love Ship Story) finishedWhere stories live. Discover now