Chapter 1- Sealed by Fate

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The deatheaters sat silent. " My Lord there won't be a way to ever cure your curse. To ever cure the world from cruel wizards like Dumbledore." Lucius said hoping to be spared.

" I shall remove the Potter's since they will be my downfall" Tom said finally finished concocting his plan. Narcissa stood as everyone else left and went to baby Draco who gave a wide smile.

With the Potters.

In a corner sat a quiet little girl. Barely a year old. Barely living. The little Potter sensed a presence approaching and snuck off from the nursey where her parent's played with her brother. The baby floated herself up to the door nob fumbling with it quietly. She unlocked it and the wizard was confused at the floating child who greeted him confused.

The wizard held a wand to her baby heart. He froze this was something he wasn't expecting to have to do. The child pushed him down magically of course as her mom walked in the loving room. " James, Adrielle is being a terrible child again" " I see that, she's trying to get us killed." James said to his wife who was fixing a bottle of food for Harry.

Tom watched curiously at the words that spewed out of the adults mouth. The child was extremely tiny. The parents left to play with Harry again. Adrielle waited a few minutes before a door slammed shut. Adrielle floated Tom inside. She began to babble to him. Tom smiled softly. He played with Adrielle forgetting his reason for being their. Adrielle played with his hair. He looked at a mirror shocked he was reverting back to himself. To the precursed child he once was. He looked at Adrielle realizing she was the key to his salvation. He kissed the childs head.

" I apologize for what must happen in the future." The baby girl began to babble to Tom who was slowly crying tears falling one by one. He would most likely never get to experience this again because as soon as Dumbeldore found out he would kill the child. He composed himself.

" I will always care maybe in the next life we can love, what a cruel joke, what a cruel way to live. Remember I loved you from the beginning, if nothing else remember your special, important, and wanted by at least someone in the cursed world." The baby stared at him, their eyes locking. He saw the girls future self.

What Tom Saw
The wind blew and the sun danced across your skin. " Your 16 now you can't seriously enjoy being in the sun to dance in daisies." " I can and I will, Draco go be with your wife" " she's not my wife" " Ny apologies but leave me alone if your going to be a negative energy." " Why ever did I join your court?" " I have no clue."

The two laughed and Tom smiled. She'd be happy. The girl turned around quickly. She ran into a man's arms. He squinted to find only himself staring back. " Yeah I got the girl, I got the storybook ending" he heard himself.

The end of what Tom saw

Tom wanted that, he would bathe in the warmth she gave him. He enjoyed her presence to know in the end he does get a happy end was reassuring. " I'll be back tommorow, I hope I can still have that future. Stay safe" Tom apperated to the Malfoy's.

His features reverting back to Voldemort but this time he was calmer Voldemort was fading. The short 30 minutes had done so much. He wished he could have stayed longer. " Pettigrew you will tell me which house it was again" he hissed. He now had every intention of sacrificing Pettigrew. He cared for Adrielle Potter and Pettigrew was a loss cannon.

" Of course my lord." Severus flowed into the room. " My lord, could you spare Lily, the child's mother." Tom wanted to kill Severus for asking such a question. " I'll consider it"  Tom said.

Severus breathed that night he went to Dumbledore asking for him to deliver a lettert to Lily.

Dumbledore did as asked. He gave Lily the note and she read it before writing a heart breaking response.
' I wish to never hear, speak, or know of you again. You disgust me Snape, I am a married women and I don't need your potions, spells, or charms to protect myself, hell I'll give them to my daughter who disgusts me even more then you do. You shouldn't act like a good person, your not, Dumbeldore is being generous.
Go Fuck Yourself,
Lily Potter.'

As Snape opened it he cried. Narcissa saw Snape on the floor the letter in hand. She sat down comforting him. Narcissa hated to see Snape this way. Narcissa read the note furious at the women. " I'll kill her myself." " No, don't I've done terri-" " no not everything she does is your fault. Even if I don't she'll be dead this time tommorow anyway." Narcissa said.

The two were called to a meeting. They sat down quickly not wanting to anger Tom. Draco began to cry just as Voldemort was about to speak. Narcissa tried to get up but Tom was already walking to Draco's room. Narcissa was heart broken fearing but the crying soon stopped she gasped for air until Tom walked back in Draco on his Shoulders holding onto his head.

" Don't be mistaken this creature is only vital for my future " Voldemort said making Narcissa calm down. Narcissa did not waste any time to collect Draco knowing Voldemort's patience only went so far. " I called you all here to establish one thing, Adrielle Potter is off limits am I understood." Draco burst into giggles at the mention. Tom instanly recognized the future bond.

" I need something even this retched curse will remember to not harm." Snape still wounded from the letter handed a replica of the charm. " The child will be wearing that hair clip." Snape hoped Lily would see and understand after he explained but he noticed the closer Lily and James got the worse Lily became as a person. She hated others, she bullied him, hell she helped find spells and only now could he realize that.

" Perfect." Voldemort grinned.

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