[4] Saving Rantaro

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[Author's Note] There isn't much else to say other than I hope you enjoy this chapter :) ALSO KIRUMI BEING A MOTHER HAS MY HEART AND SOUL.


~Midoriya/Ouma POV~

"RISE AND SHINE URSINE!" The bears screamed through the TV in my room. I groaned, getting out of the warmth and safety of the sheets, getting dressed and slipping a canister of un-named pills into my pants pocket. Mei said I needed to take it with food, morning and lunch. I exited my room looking left and right for any dangers before proceeding ahead towards the cafeteria where our new beloved Mum of the group Kirumi had made us all breakfast.

Everybody else was already there and had started eating. Kirumi stood up from her table with Keebo and Miu to come to serve me.

"Good morning Kokichi, how did you sleep?" She asked, putting some rice and a fried egg on my plate. Geez, I'm used to eating so much more to build muscle mass from training... I guess I need to get used to smaller meals

"I didn't fall asleep till like 4 in the morning, I'm pretty nervous about this whole killing game idea... But! Thanks so much for breakfast Kirumi! Let me know if you ever need help cooking we can take turns so you can sleep in." I said forgetting that I was supposed to be an annoying rat-like liar.

"I mean... It's just a lie! I slept great last night! And I'm not nervous if anything I'm excited! The mystery of solving a classmate's murder and sending off the culprit to be killed themselves! It's making me all tingly, but my offer still does stand if you need help with the cooking! An ultimate supreme leader is great at everything!" I said confidently, I heard a few people scoff, I looked over to Maki who rolled her eyes. I hate this. I don't like anything about me...

"Well, thank you Kokichi, I'm glad you slept well," Kirumi said softly before leaving to continue her meal. I sat at the only place left in the cafeteria. Next to the ultimate astronaut. Kaito Momota.

I put my plate down and sat down, playing with my food with my fork.

"Kokichi. Are you disrespecting Kirumis cooking?" Maki asked threateningly

"Noooo! I would never disrespect mom's cookinggggg!!! WAHHHHHHH WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAAA-AAAATTTTTT!" I cried, being annoying again. Make an enemy with everybody as early on as you can. Without anybody wanting to kill. This game can't function. If it comes to it... make self-sacrifice... Make an unsolvable murder, one not even Monokuma can figure out, that way he has no right to take anybody's life.


"Wah?! oHHHH Nooooooo you ruined my PlAAAaaaaAaaaAnnnnnn...hehe, it was just a lie! Getting you guys all nervous and worked up is funny! You guys really think, the person who wants to watch the most suffering, would risk killing somebody? I mean- of course I would get away with murder if I did BUT! It's better to keep your hands clean! If you want to commit homicide, convince somebody dumb enough to do the dirty work for you!" I giggled.

"This is why you should watch your back. Trust no one." Rantaro said quietly.

"THE AVOCADO TALKS!" I giggled, soon everybody goes back to talking in their groups, obviously Kaito shuffled a little further away from me. You're doing great Deku... just dont mess this up.

I took the pill canister out of my pocket and popped the top off jiggling the bottle until there was only one in the calm of my unusually smooth hand. It was weird not having scars all over or not having broken bones constantly.

"Kokichi! Are you trying to drug Kaito!" Kaede shrieked pointing at the pill in my hand. This turned the heads of all 15 other students.

"Yes Kayayay because I would kill the idiot in front of everybody- NO! Dumb piano freak, of course not! This is my pill now shoo! Leave me be!" I said sassily, waving my hand in a back and forth motion before placing the pill on my tongue and swallowing.

"Wow... I didn't think you would be the kind of person to dry swallow a pill..." Shuichi said, looking me up and down, he lifted up his hat and I finally got a good look at his eyes... they were beautiful.

"Of course! I'm not a wimp." I crossed my arms before taking my plate up to the kitchen, not bothering with everybody else's. I needed to take a look around ASAP and get a location before any murders happen... because if the game gets set in motion then it's all over.

I went back to my room not before Monotaro stopped me.

"Hey kiddo! Why don't you go back to the cafeteria! Have some bonding time with your... friends." He cackled.

"They aren't my friends. In a unique situation like our own. They are my enemy. It's useless trying to make friends when you know they're all going to die." I spoke darkly, keeping my head to the floor. If I can even try to befriend the monokubs... perhaps they could give me some information... maybe even a hint on which student in allowing this game to happen. "So, thats why. I'm going to do. What. Ever. it takes. If I'm put in a situation like this, I'm not just going to be here. I'm going to kill everybody. And win." I said, fake determination burning through my voice

Gosh Mum would be mortified right now.

"Y'know... I like you kid. You've got your heart in the game... I guess you should talk to the one who is always in disguise." He said, hinting to me at who the mastermind is. I smiled before walking away into my room. HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP. WHO IS ALWAYS IN DISGUISE! LIKE COSPLAY? TSUMUGI IS THE MASTERMIND!???!!? WHAT THE HEEECCCCCKKKKK. Ok... wait... I have an idea of how to tell Aizawa who the mastermind is. I did not expect it to be this easy, my Atua- now I just need to get the location.

I walked over to my board and stuck up Tenkos's picture on the left, then Shuichi's to the right of Tenkos. T S, Tsumugi Shirogane. They can't miss that one for sure.

I started wandering around the school, especially around the whole dome, looking for any indication on where we could be, is it a desert out there or woods? A cliff? The ocean? Anything can be helpful in this type of situation. I decided to look into the library, to see if there were any books on the outside world.

I walked in on the silence. I saw light green hair out of the corner of my eye looking at a bookshelf. Rantaro... I heard... something, coming from the vents, sounded like something heavy... rolling... NO NO NO- NOT ON MY FREAKING WATCH! I saw a shot put come hurling out of the vents and like most situations where I'm saving people my legs moved on their own. I ran, jumped, and pushed Rantaro out of the way of the flying metal ball and caught it with my left hand to prevent it from knocking the bookcase on top of us. Either way would have led to certain death.

I hid the ball behind me when I saw him get annoyed. Izuku- you need to stay the enemy. You're a hero in villain's clothing.

"KOKICHI WHAT THE HELL! WHY WOULD YOU PUSH ME!" He yelled, not even releasing I saved him.

"Oh just wanted to surprise you, that's all! Ni-hehehe~!" I laughed lightly, holding the ball tightly. My muscle mass wasn't visible but it was still there luckily so holding this thing behind my back, hidden was a breeze.

"Not. Funny Kokichi. Leave me alone." He grumbled, getting off the floor and dusting himself off. I looked down at my feet. I'm sorry...

A bell rang through the library.

"An attempt at murder has happened in the Library! Go see who tried to do it! U~pupupupupup!" Monokuma cackled as students started to pour into the library to see the scene. Rantaro was... shocked. He looked at me, pale-faced. 

WordCount: 1366

[Author's Note] Longer chapter 4, StAy TuNeD FoR ThE nExT cHaPtEr to fInD OuT WhAt hApPenNs nExT!!! But I'm hoping you're enjoying the story so far :)

Take care little soundwaves and remember to take care of yourself


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